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Is the Confederate flag racist?


The Confederate flag flying over the Confederate memorial in Florida is...  

35 members have voted

  1. 1. The Confederate flag flying over the Confederate memorial in Florida is...

    • Its racist
    • Its American heritage
    • Don't know

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This is not a racial debate. I'm hoping everyone here can be civil and respect everyone's opinions.

This comment is why I'm posting this:

Okay, i usually dont post comments about these types of things...but i read this stuff people are saying about a CONFEDERATE flag yet there is never news about the neighbors flying flags from other COUNTRIES in their yards...nevermind the fact that we have muslim schools now...but i guess thats america since we are about to have a muslim president. People criticize the south because they think that we are about "slavery" and "the south will rise again". WAKE UP...Historical fact: the Civil War was about STATES RIGHTS. Slavery was a factor but that is not what started the war. I am proud of my heritage and i gladly solute that flag, as well as the american flag. I'm sorry if anyone objects...at least i am paying my taxes and contributing to my country. I speak english and I am a natural citizen. Thats more than what most can say here these days.
Many of the comments on that page are very interesting. Yes, people get heated. Yes, alot of southerners cannot spell. Regardless, the opinions posted are very interesting. Someone posted about the Dukes of Hazard. The General Lee has a Confederate flag painted on it, but the NAACP didn't try to boycott it.

If this thread offends anyone, I'm deeply sorry. However, I do feel if we can stay on track and respect each other, this can be a good discussion. So please, if you get angry or heated, think before you post.

If this thread even resembles getting out of hand, it will be closed immediately.

So I present this question to you all: Is the confederate flag racist or a part of our American heritage?

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Why is there no option

"it's not racist, it's just retarded, and redneck"?

it represents an opposition to the american flag...and the american flag represents america...

what's more anti-american than that?

i'm totally against the confederate flag, and all it represents...

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Are rainbows gay??? Up until a couple of years ago they were pretty badass but their meaning has changed and they are now gay. That doesnt mean that I dont like rainbow but I am not going to have a rainbow flag flying on my porch.

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Ooooo...not touching that one with a ten foot pole.

I don't support Obama, so I am already labeled a racist.

That's why I haven't voted. I can see how many blacks would see it as racist, especially here in the north. Fucking hillbillies with their lifted trucks and dixie horns flying rebel flags.

However, in this context, I truly believe it is part of American heritage. It is being flown over a memorial being built for fallen Confederate soldiers. Blacks fought both sides of the war. In the south they fought for their homes and their way of life (not all blacks were slaves, and not all southern states had slavery). In the north, blacks were fighting against slavery and the Confederacy. However, blacks in the north were mistreated just the same as blacks in the south, if not more so. Often black companies were sent to the front lines to protect the white troops.

So I'm torn, I see both sides of the argument. But I'm trying to keep this focused on this specific context. The flag is being flown over a memorial for fallen Confederate soldiers. Is that racist or just part of our heritage?

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Are rainbows gay??? Up until a couple of years ago they were pretty badass but their meaning has changed and they are now gay. That doesnt mean that I dont like rainbow but I am not going to have a rainbow flag flying on my porch.

Really? I always just sort of assumed you did fly the rainbow flag, and proudly.


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Yea, the poll is a big vague. I mean, there's something that can be part of American History / Heritage AND be racist. It's not to an extreme like saying that the Confederate Flag only symbolizes slavery and racism, but part of the South succeeding has that ideology behind it.

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Are rainbows gay??? Up until a couple of years ago they were pretty badass but their meaning has changed and they are now gay. That doesnt mean that I dont like rainbow but I am not going to have a rainbow flag flying on my porch.

+1. I don't think it is specifically racist, however, the rednecks and hillbillies have taken as their own rainbow.

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The Confederate flag has been passed down from previous generations. The use of the "Stars and Bars" has been varied, i.e. - On the Dukes of Hazard, KKK rallies, etc. Quite a few people look at it with pride from their forefathers defending their way of life, others look at it with hatred for what their interpretation of an oppression of their ancestry.

The same can be said about the swastika. It was originally a symbol of good luck.

It is possible to have multiple feelings from a given symbol. I am glad we have the ability to discuss how something is offensive, because in some countries, we wouldn't have the ability to even discuss the reasons behind anger for something like this flag.

If people want to get angry, why not be pissed about the British Union Jack??? How many people were enslaved under that flag? (please someone remember that India was a country before the British rolled in) Yet, it seems to be chic to have a Mini-Cooper, or underwear with that "symbol of oppression" on it. :boxing:

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The north was fighting for a bigger central gov't and the south was fighting for the individual states to have power. I think the whole slavery issue was propaganda to get people to support their war, I really dont think many people cared about that issue.

I wish states had the power to make their own laws without a big govt stepping in, but rednecks and hillbillies ruined it for the rest of us.

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Yea, the poll is a big vague. I mean, there's something that can be part of American History / Heritage AND be racist. It's not to an extreme like saying that the Confederate Flag only symbolizes slavery and racism, but part of the South succeeding has that ideology behind it.

The poll is referencing this specific context.

In that context, I have NO issues with it...

it's the people still waving them in front of their houses and all over their F350 Super Duty Dually Diesels that i take issue with...

That's exactly what I'm saying. Those Dublin/Hilliard fuckers dressing up like cowboys and going to Nyohs wearing fucking Confederate flag belt buckles are complete asshats. In this context, I see it as ignorant and racist.

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The north was fighting for a bigger central gov't and the south was fighting for the individual states to have power. I think the whole slavery issue was propaganda to get people to support their war, I really dont think many people cared about that issue.

Weapons....... of......... Mass......... Destruction............

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Oh, and the old guy in that video supporting the Confederate memorial..... I'm pretty sure he is a Civil War veteran...... He looks like he died 100 yrs ago but someone forgot to bury him.

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In this context I think the Confederate flag being flown over a Confederate memorial is American Heritage. If they really concerned over some racist message being sent you would think they would attack the memorial as a whole.

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I dont know enough about history to comment either way. I think I speak accurately when I say that the flag means different things to different people depending on age, race, etc. There is no correct answer as everyone has their opinion of what it means to them.

I see this thread going down the tubes shortly just as similar ones have. Do yourself a favor and just lock it now. Link the other forum and let people comment on there if they want... Why drag mud into your own home. I guess more accurately said.. Dont shit where you eat.

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Like someone else said..it's a part of our history, but some assholes have made it their own 'rainbow'. I think there are two types of people flying this flag, the kind who KNOW the history behind it, and the kind who just want to look as racist as possible.

Lincoln and the Republicans gained office, and opposed the expansion of slavery. The South (Confederacy) didn't like that idea and withdrew from the Union. All hell broke loose and the South attacked the North. Sometime in the middle of the North getting its ass handed to it, Lincoln made freeing the slaves a goal of the war. Holy shit..Let's roll!! More folks start fighting for the north and the tide turns.

At first, Lincoln wasn't trying to end slavery....just stop the spread of it.

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I dont know enough about history to comment either way. I think I speak accurately when I say that the flag means different things to different people depending on age, race, etc. There is no correct answer as everyone has their opinion of what it means to them.

I see this thread going down the tubes shortly just as similar ones have. Do yourself a favor and just lock it now. Link the other forum and let people comment on there if they want... Why drag mud into your own home.

I actually think this will turn into some intelligent discussion...for once. I'm adopting the glass half full mantra.

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