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How to become a professional Speeder


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I thought id give a few lessons on what i have learned in life on how to sucessfully speed. (knock on wood)


Cut point: cops will almost always pull you over if they catch you going 10 mph over the leagal limit. if they are in a bad mood they still might pull you over if you are going over 5 mph. cops will very rarly pull you over if you are only doing 5mph over.


Dont brake: rather lift up on the throttle to slow to the legal speed limit. or if needed use the ebrake as no brake lights will come on.


headlight speeding: when a car aproaches in the oppisite direction slow down to cut point. Usualy best to let off the gas and cost down to legal speed, find the right range so when they come within the cut point your going the speed limit. Clearly idntify the car that it is not a cop then presume speeding. Pull more to the right of the road if another car is ahead of you blocking your visibility from oncoming traffic for a longer period of time, this will block the radar from being able to clock you. Also consider slowing down for bends and hills very a cop can pop out and clock you.


Learn the Crown Vic: this is the most common cruiser know its headlights, tail lights and siloete. Big antennas are a give away even for unmarks. learn unmarks. Other states have normal cars for unmarks like stngs and camaros so beware, ohoi its the crown vic and a few impallas.


Decoy: follow some one speeding, let him lead about a eye distance infront of you, and maintain his speed. that way He'll get the ticket.


See them before they see you: this is the most important step. Always be observent look around. slow down to a leagal speed before they get in range. Pay attention if you start messing with your radio or talking on the phone etc. slow to the legal speed, as your less likly to spot the cop before he spots you then.


Know their radar range: for those who had a radar detector you get used to the distance they clock you. Radar detectors dont work: thats why their legal. They only indicate that the officer has sucessfully clocked you. The only way they can help is to alert you that there is a cop in range when he clocks someone else, before you, or he leaves it on in contiual clocking mode.


Speed in packs: dont be a lone speeder. it is eaiser for a cop to pick you out that way. Your chances greatly increase to sucessfuly speed if there are more people out. The cop might have a hard time picking out the actual person that speeds or is clock in large groups. It is harder for him to intercept you in heavier traffic.


The cruise in packs: usauly groups of two if one needs back up there ready. so if you see a cop go by dont loose your awareness there might be another trailing.


The long strech: somtimes when you see wide open road and you just have the feeling to put down the hammer a cop is hidding some where and since your the only one out there he'll be sure to get you. If you determin it is safe to realy get on it, cause there isnt a good place for them to hide, accelerate to a very high rate of speed and prepare to slow suddendly if a car becomes visible. keep control!


Dont get reckless: speed under control. be carful you cant stop or change lanes as fast. also a cop will more likly pull some one over if they swerve back and forth in and out of lanes while speeding then just speeding catiously. If you cant control your vehicle at that speed dont go that fast.


Be carfull aproaching cars: Dont come speeding up behind a car before identifing it, these a chance that the car your coming up on is a cop. Dont go passing a cop. Watch behind you too, headlights/cars approaching you fast are likly to be a cop.


Keep your car dirty: i have notice when i wash my car i have a greater chance of getting pulled over the cleaner it is. Its best you dont have a car that draws attention to your self, as these are more likly to be pulled over.


Go redneck: get a CB. truckers do this, they all give each other warnings when a "bear" is around


.................You just got pulled over now what? it not over.


Dont run: I have learned through personal experience it is better to take the beating then risk the consequences of fleeing and alluding. Fleeing and alluding is a FELONY! i didnt know it at the time, now i do. Very hard to out run a radio or determined cop they just hang back and watch were you go, they got all day and they enjoy this and get real pissed off at you. IF you do decide and pull over later claim you didnt see them chasing you, this has worked for a few of my friends. Take a corner quick or make them lose sight of you, know there is doubt it was you that ran and spead.


Respect the cop: DONT go mouthing off, you dont want to ride in the back of the cruiser.


You still have the chance of getting a warning. Be polite, tell him you wernt paying attention and didnt know what speed you were doing, you thought you were going the speed limit. I have found not knowing the speedlimit doesnt work. you could claim you havent seen a speed limit sign since you just got on that road.


Conversate with him: become his freind, might try talking intrest in his job, your "thinking about becoming a cop"


You need to talk him out of it before he rights the ticket. He usally comes up to you gets your license and registration and prof of insurance, then goes back to his cruiser and decides to write the ticket. So you have to talk him out of it before he goes back to the cruiser.


Cry: not so sure it will work for men, but i have heard stories of how woman cry and they let them off. its worth a shot.


Flirt: again woman its worth a shot. Men it usally doesnt work on woman cops. And dont try it on the men, dont think they like fags.


Cast doubt on the cop: "are you sure that was my car, it was probably the car that passed me you were clocking" or "there was a car that looked similar to mine you clocked" - be able to back these up. "Are you sure you were close engough to clock me and you didnt clock someone else"


Verify the speed on ther gun: they have to be able to show you the speed they clocked you at on their gun (even though it might not be you).


.....................OK you got a ticket....fight?


Go to cort: it usally isnt worth the effort but if you want to try. First you go to the arreignment. you plead not guilty. you will now have to pay 2 court costs.


Try and talking to the prossicutor and bargaining with him. Try to get a no point offense, or lesser charge.


If you go to trial the offercier must prove you are guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. If he doesnt show you will get off due to lack of prossicution. confuse the officer, catch him at his word.


Make sure he brings in calibration records. the prossicuter will have already set up the fact that he has been properly trained to use it etc.


a few good books to read before going to cort is "how to beat the ticket, go to court and win" or somthing like that.


try making friends with cops if they know you and like you they might let you off. i know a couple of cops i used to lift weights with and id rather them pull me over then some one i dont know.


good luck, and carful speeding


-professional speeder


[ 02. January 2003, 05:59 AM: Message edited by: Cherry Bomb ]

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very good write up.


I suggest that:


a) if you wrote this, go back and fix the spelling mistakes and use of paragraphs.

b) if you didnt write this but copied it from somewhere (most likely), fix the paragraphs/spacing.


Its content is very good, but I have a headache from reading it! :D The mods should make it a sticky (once its fixed).

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I agree. Very well thought out. I would like to add to the "elluding" thing. I've never done it, but I think it may work. If you happen to be speeding excessively and pass a cop and happen to know exactly where you are on the freeway, get off at the first exit and then do the speed limit and drive cautiously, maybe try to head into a subdivision that you know pretty well and maybe park for a couple of minutes. Isn't there some kind of rule that if you lose a cop, he can't be sure it was you? Not sure, but it may work. Then, it wouldn't be technically "eluding" because you could claim you were trying to find a buddy's house or somethin like that. Would that work?
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Actually, don't take the first exit. That is what most officers are trained to expect that.(a "friendly" lady sheriff told me when she was doing paperwrk on my dad's motorcycle wreck, and my next door neighbor is a cop.)Take the second or third exit. And since you are going fast enough to run anyway, that shouldn't take too long. BE CAREFUL. If you wreck your car, it is a sure bet that you'll get arrested. A quick trip to the emergiency room, then you get a shiny pair of bracelets. Also, if there is a chance that he has your plate #, pull over. the chase is already over. And remember, cop cars DO HAVE CAMERAS.


BTW, my cop neighbor (who street races way more than i do) gives most people to 80mph in a 65.

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This is well thought out. I use the same tactics myself.


Another one to add;

Send a decoy.

I love to see a guy blazing up behind me at 80-85 mph. Let him roll on past you, then once he gets about 1/8-1/4 mile ahead, match his speed. Watch his taillights. He will buy your ticket. The cop will see and clock him way before he even knows you are coming. I have used this one on several major road trips. It works.


I also fought a ticket last week and won. It was a stupid ticket over going straight in a turn lane that was a turn and straight lane the day before, (long story). Anyway, it was two points and I have a Class A CDL and cannot have any points, so I fought it. I had them reduce it to an equipment violation, $115 after court costs and fine.


[ 12 December 2002, 05:31 PM: Message edited by: flyinbrian ]

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good ones guys i about forgot those.


and i know i suck at spelling, and i copied and pasted from note pad thats why the paragraphs were messed up.


if you got anymore ill add them. and it didnt come from that car and driver, ive never seen that before, just my life lessons.

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Guest Ranger_Man

also, when you are speeding and coming up on a corner, watch the traffic infront of you because its an instinctive response to hit the brakes whenever you see a cop weither you are speeding or not. when you see a pack of cars all braking its usually a cop around the bend.


if you do get pulled over see if it is a younger guy or older and use that to decide the strategy. ive found that playing stupid usually works with older guys while joking around works with the younger. if its a lady, your fucked, but try crying.


[ 14 December 2002, 11:26 AM: Message edited by: Ranger_Man ]

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Originally posted by Ranger_Man:

also, when you are speeding and coming up on a corner, watch the traffic infront of you because its an instinctive response to hit the brakes whenever you see a cop weither you are speeding or not. when you see a pack of cars all braking its usually a cop around the bend.


actually a lot of people (normal everyday drivers) hit their brakes when they round a turn.
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It is true about the cops tagging the first one they see. But beware, by the time you see them, you've probably already been hit by the laser. They can be used from a great distance. And they have nothing better to do than look for you, where as you have other more important things to worry about. Such as staying on the road. Remember, 99% of the time, they're sitting still just looking for cars.


Somewhere I have all the info on them. We had to know all that stuff when I was a cop in the Air Force. As soon as I find it, I'll post all the specs on it.

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Guest Ranger_Man
Originally posted by Stolen 5.0:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ranger_Man:

also, when you are speeding and coming up on a corner, watch the traffic infront of you because its an instinctive response to hit the brakes whenever you see a cop weither you are speeding or not. when you see a pack of cars all braking its usually a cop around the bend.


actually a lot of people (normal everyday drivers) hit their brakes when they round a turn.</font>true, but usually not on the freeway. many people just set the cruise control and let it go till 'omg cop!!'
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Originally posted by Stolen 5.0:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ranger_Man:

also, when you are speeding and coming up on a corner, watch the traffic infront of you because its an instinctive response to hit the brakes whenever you see a cop weither you are speeding or not. when you see a pack of cars all braking its usually a cop around the bend.


actually a lot of people (normal everyday drivers) hit their brakes when they round a turn.</font>hmmmmm

I speed up


i've learned that if you're coming up on a cop and haven't slowed down in time, DON'T. I was pulled over for speeding 5 times when I slowed down upon seeing the cop. (no tickets luckily) Since then, when I see a cop, I just keep going the same speed. HAven't been pulled over in close to a year I think. (car I used in my getting pulled over streak [not just for speeding] was an 89 olds Trofeo, haven't been pulled ofer for anything since purchasing the GT)(knocks on head)

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Originally posted by Lazer 3KGT:


I speed up


i've learned that if you're coming up on a cop and haven't slowed down in time, DON'T. I was pulled over for speeding 5 times when I slowed down upon seeing the cop. (no tickets luckily) Since then, when I see a cop, I just keep going the same speed. HAven't been pulled over in close to a year I think. (car I used in my getting pulled over streak [not just for speeding] was an 89 olds Trofeo, haven't been pulled ofer for anything since purchasing the GT)(knocks on head)

i'll have to second that, cuz everytime that i slowed down i got a ticket, two times in the past couple of months i was doing 75 in a 65 and both times the cop pulled out, the one turned around, and they never pulled me over!
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when you see a cop dont hit the brakes rather lift up on the throttle to slow down and let it coast to the legal speed.

there has been times whn i was flying down a back road doing about 90 then i spoted a cop and yanked the ebrake so it did look like i was breaking (since no brake lights) i got lucky as he didnt turn around.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest XIVenom1X


you say that the cop has to show you the radar gun. my girlfriends uncle and one of my friends is a cop and they said that they dont have to show you the gun.


however make sure the ticket is filled out completely. a friend of mine received a ticket and it said he was going 85 in a 65 but in the section of where it asks how the cop caught him speeding that was left blank so he got off with nothing

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest rugbyracing
That is true my dad is the sergant of the westerville PD ( if he only knew haha) they are not required by any law to show you the gun.. i had a long talk with him about it... see im special i have an F.O.P. card and i get outta anything.. :D:D .. my bro got pulled over for 102 in a 35 and they let him go b/c of that lil lifesaver..
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  • 4 months later...
Guest BlackS14

that's a nice write up.

here's a couple other pointers that have helped me survive my 170+ mph blasts down SR33:

1. never speed on left hand turns -perfect L-shaped ambush site for the cop. His gun is pointed in your direction as you round the bend.

2. never speed down long hills. It's easy for him to pick you out of a crowd -even if you are following someone else.

3. Buy a good Radar Detector -Escort Passport 8500 or better. Tell the company it isn't sensitive enough and send it in to be tuned. They'll do a fine tuning on the antenna -specific to police radar freqs, not just the "bands". I can pick out a speed trap 3 miles away.

4. Put a laser shield on your front LP. I have been hit square with a laser, and (with good brakes) have been able to slow to legal speed before he could get a lock. I have had cops shake their heads and fingers at me as I passed.

5. Watch for other driver's brake lights on the horizon line. Even legal drivers will hit their brakes for a sec. when they see a cop.

6. NEVER take your eyes off the road ahead, everytime I have been lit up, I was digging through CDs or my nose.

7. If you're doing well over 100, and you pass a parked cruiser (like at an intersection), you're screwed. I have run, and been lucky, but the cost of the radio catching up to you is too great. Don't make excuses, and be cool. i.e. Officer -"do you know how fast you were going?" Me -"when I'm driving that fast I never take my eyes off the road"

8. Don't speed when traffic is heavy, it's dangerous and disrespectful. Everyone's got a cellphone these days. In Jersey, they can dial #77 and report your LP. Expect a visit from a cop at home.


Safe speed.

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  • 4 weeks later...
a thing i think works too is to stay out of the hammer lane, the only time i go to the left lane on the freeway is if there is no way for me to get around traffic in the right hand side, might look like to a cop that you are just an old lady going the speed limit
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  • 3 weeks later...

channel 19 is the channel me and my dad use when we are in the semi, and it seems to have the largest number of people on it to me


channel 9 is the police channel i have heard but i think it is only for emergencies


[ 30. July 2003, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Car Enthusiast ]

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Guest TwT S4
Im not so sure I agree with everyone who was saying not to hit their brakes when they were speeding. There has been more than several times where I was speeding but hit my brakes and got away. If I would not have hit my brakes I would have definetily gotten a ticket. Anyhow police radars are programed to read your speed about two MPH slower than you are really going. If you are slowing down it is harder for them to get a good read from their radar cause the speed will be dropping.
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Guest TwT S4

For everyone who is really worried about getting tickets, I might have the answer for ya. I was over at Columbus Car and Audio the other day. They offer the K-40 Radar System for $800. The company gurantees you will not get a ticket no matter how fast you are going. They say if you do get a ticket the company will pay for it. The system attaches a computer chip to your front and back license plate. When the cop guns you, the signal hits your car but and when it is sent back to the cop the display on his gun reads ERR so they never no how fast you were going. graemlins/burnout02.gif


[ 04. August 2003, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: TwT S4 ]

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