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How to become a professional Speeder


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This may be a rather stupid question but with the K-40 Radar System if they got a "Error" presented on their radar gun wouldn't that just put you in a worse situation because obviously they would know you had something. And what is the legality on those things? Bear with me if you consider this a stupid question.
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Good article. As far as the paying attention to the road and watching it. This is something that we should all do anyway even when not speeding. I got hit in the ass last week on 71 because the girl behind me was not paying attention when we came up Frank road and the traffic was stopped. I had less time to stop than she did. (Force of habit, I always look in my rear view mirror when braking real hard to see it coming, been hit to may times.) I got stopped, whith about 30 feet to spare and was able to get back in the gas before getting hit to minimize the impact and still got stopped after being hit. I had 100 feet, she had 250 or better and I got hit.

So always pay attention. Watch the cars way in front of you, not just the guy in the next car. This will also keep you out of alot of panic stops and possibley keep you from rear ending the guy in front of you when he panic stops because he's not paying attention.


As far as brakes, cops watch for brake lights, even if you are not really speeding or they haven't clocked you. If you jump in the brakes, they watch for the brake lights and also for the car to nose dive. It's sort or like seeing a cop car's lights come on and punching it. It's a dead give away that you knew you were speeding and they will get after you every time. Connecting a momentary switch to the brake lights is one option, it needs to be one that when you push it, it opens the circuit, not closes it. The reason for it being momentary is that forgetting it's off is a sure bet for a no brake light ticket or worse yet getting rear ended.

Just hit the button as you are braking, make sure that there is no one behind you close or you will get hit. This also will pass the blame on to the guy behind you. You aren't slowing down, according to your brake lights, but he closing the gap, he must have been the one speeding, and make sure to say that if you get pulled over. By your brake lights not coming on the cop will see this. It can work. If you see a cop, and there is no one in front of you. Make sure to make eye contact with him and wave, act friendly, and not guilty They will have a tendency to go after people that know they are speeding. So DON"T SLOW DOWN if you are being clocked. Just smile and wave. The cop will think that you really have no clue how fast you are going. This has worked several times for me. If you get pulled over, say I had no idea, or if you are running on non stock wheel and tires, say that you put them on receintly and you knew that they would put your speedo off some but you had no idea how far they would put it off. And start saying you are sorry and that the rules are rules. You were speeding and have it coming. And that at least now you know that the tires really screw with the speedo. This can convince the cop that you had no idea. I have used this and ended up with a license plate light ticket over it, because the officer knew that I didn't know I was that far off, which in my case was true.



I know I sound like your dad, and you all already know this stuff, but it's just a reminder. So that we can all stay safe and keep not only our money in our pockets to buy car stuff, but to keep our cars from being wrecked.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Ricochet:

I heard if you're going more than 20mph over they won't pay for it, because then it's pretty much overkill. Just think if you go to them saying "I was going 135 and they still pulled me over, will you pay for it?"..

Exactly... Their is an extent to the "will pay for ticket" gig
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yeah, I know quite a few state boys, and most of them will give you 15mph over. As far as the cops not being able to prove it was you, make sure you don't have some super rare car lotus, Lamborghini something like that. Even if the cop is not clocking you; Cops have to be able to tell your speed by 5mph without anything to be certified to use the "Laser" so if the cop has enough experience they can still win in court. IT HAS BEEN DONE
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jammers are beautiful, but the thing with them is if it scrambles the signal sent to you its legal, but if it transmits its illegal. i have a rocky mountain jammer and what it does is takes how fast you are doing and adds and subtracts to it rapidly, so if your doing 75 the cop will see somthing like 75, 68, 80, 74, 59, 63 they wont get a lock. i like mine, i got it around july 4 when all the cops are out ticketing, so i thought id be a flagrant moron and do a little speeding around 270 near dublin, and at 15 over i didnt get a second look from the cops.
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  • 2 months later...
Originally posted by JB-S1:

There's always the freakin' airplane, that's how they got me last time.

The pilot almost never shows up in court. The defendant has the right to meet with accouser (sp).


Cop who wrote ticket will show, but he didnt clock you. A friend got out of a 135+ ticket for this.

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alot of good info, but sum bull$hit too. if you have any questions and i can help holler. i'm a radar instructor and 10 years as a deputy...


don't care to help cause most of us act like they have some sense and just want to have a little fun with there buddies and there cars. its the young punks that push it and hurt people. street racing, burn outs and things if done at certain times and certain areas i don't normal act ot bust people.

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Speaking to a friend who is a Deputy, planning on running for the head Sheriff next year....


Stay to the right.

Dont weave

Keep car clean

Dont throw cigs out the car

no dents

tires and brakes good


Sheriff call Deputy

OHP call Trooper

Others/In Doubt call Officer


when you get pulled over:

Roll down window (If tinted glass, roll down all)

put hands back on wheel

when he asks for license and reg, explain: My Registration is in my glove box officer, then LEAVE THE GLOVE BOX OPEN after. Gives him a sense of ease. If Centerconsole, close afterward.


Break eye contace before getting license or reg.


You must make the cop have less fear. If you have a CCW, roll down window and say "I have a weapon, it is in my glovebox, please secure it"


And a no brainer, dont have bumper stickers. Murphys law would say if you had a sticker that said "I like Ike" the cop you pull over would be someone who was the opposite.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Dark_Viper01

I always use the method of shielding myself with someone else, usualy a car with an FOP badge, as they seem to be the ones that go the fastest. Keep an eye on the median at all times, and watch for his break lights, chances are he will take the fall, I use this method all the time, I have never gotten a ticket with this method, although I have seen 7 or 8 people I was using as a shield get pulled.


Another thing to watch for is the cross shaped markes on the lines on I-270. They might be using them on other freeways now too, but every 150 ft or so in some areas there is a line that crosses the dotted line and the side lines on the freeway, it dose not cross the lane, it only extends about a foot from the lines. This is in place so that a cop in a Plane/Helocopter , or in an elevated possition can count how many marks you pass in a given time, you will never see anything on your radar ditector this way.

The Ohio Highway Patrol has at least two fixed wing aircraft at Don Scott Field. They are both small aircraft with the wing above the cabin they tend to fly parralel to the freeway at some distance, not directly above it. One is almost entierly red, with the exception of the wings being white. The other is white and grey, thus harder to differ from a civilian plane. Both aircraft have the same logo on the tail as the Crown Vics have on their doors, but if you can see it you are already %#@!ed.

The CPD has 3 two-tone Blue Helocopters, and at least 2 read white and blue Helos. If it is green and white , it isn't a cop, its the life flight chopper. 10TV's chopper is also blue, but much bigger and with a pointy nose, the Blue CPD choppers all have rounded off front ends. Usuasly there is only one CPD chopper in the air at a time, but it can be anywhere in the city within 7 min. Sometimes on the weekend nights there are two in the air. The chopper is usualy busy on calls (shootings, break-ins, traffic stops with a warrent on the driver), but in down time, it is almost always above I-70, I-670, I-71, and State route 315. The heloport is on 315 neer 5th Av. so be carefull around that area, I have seen the chopper pop up from behind the buildings unexpectedly.

Also, there is always a state trooper in the median, somwhere between, Rome-Hilliard Rd. and US42 on I-70, I have never gon through there without seeing one, and it is usualy one of the new white ones. Most of the time it is on the Madison county side of Darby Creek, usualy facing the eastbound traffic. Good luck avoiding tickets everyone, and stay smart out there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

if you drive the same areas time after time..you know where the cops hide....so its not really a big deal....


or...you coudl jsut go the legal speed limit?my car i know can double the speed limit and then some....but i dont...5-10 max...keep it save..no use dying on 270...

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  • 4 months later...
^^^ haha... well, before i turned 18 i would speed everywhere i went. after my second ticket my mom told me that once i turned 18 i could speed all i wanted (cuz then she wouldn't have to go to court with me). but now that i'm 18, i just don't feel like speeding for some reason. i just like to cruise...
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest FBody Addict

cruising on back roads out past johnstown at night you can go 140, the sherrifs out there dont care

its the deer you gotta watch for

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The company will pay for the ticket but they can't take the points off your license. Also when their gun reads ERR don't you think the cop would wonder why??? I'm sure their guns usually don't do that. OOOOO and about the 2 mph lower thing from above their guns by law have to be recalibrated every thirty---fourty-five dasys and if you fight a ticket in court you can ask to see that certification to verify it is updated. ~~~TRUE STORY~~
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