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County line in front of North


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Cops are insane there now. I always see like 6 cops just chillen there with another cop in the bushes clocking people. They are out of control was some tax cut taken on them is that why they are trying so hard to pull people over. Dont they have real crime to fight besides using their entire police force on that short piece of road. Those cops needs lives or more crime whichever comes first.
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Guest badmuthrfkr

I feel you on that shit.


I was out in the Supra the other afternoon just cruising through, and it was 20mph at the time because of school getting out. I was cruising through at 25mph and saw some dude just standing by a tree, I thought it was just some city worker or pedestrian. I driver up towards the traffic light and it's a damn cop standing there with his radar gun, and nothing else there with him, no cruiser. Another 200feet up, and two different cruisers have two different cars pulled over.


Complete bullshit, and they are doing this off Schrock Rd. sometimes as well.

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Guest turbojc
Originally posted by White Supra:

I feel you on that shit.


I was out in the Supra the other afternoon just cruising through, and it was 20mph at the time because of school getting out. I was cruising through at 25mph and saw some dude just standing by a tree, I thought it was just some city worker or pedestrian. I driver up towards the traffic light and it's a damn cop standing there with his radar gun, and nothing else there with him, no cruiser. Another 200feet up, and two different cruisers have two different cars pulled over.


Complete bullshit, and they are doing this off Schrock Rd. sometimes as well.

Isn't that ilegial? Entrapment maby? Kinda like unmarked patrole cars.
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Welcome to Westerville Cops. Nothing better to do. Not to be ummm down. But since the whole police force is on that road during that time I am surprised no one has tried to rob a bank or something. HAHA I am not serious but I just think there are WAY to many cops right there.
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Originally posted by turbojc:

Isn't that ilegial? Entrapment maby? Kinda like unmarked patrole cars.

entrapment hmm nope entrapment is if they setup something like if they closed down a street to have everyone go threw the 20 mph that would be entrapment
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  • 2 weeks later...
dude i totaly feel u guys there i was dreiving on sunbury and got pulled over at the kareoke place right before county line and he said i was swerving in and out of my lane and he pulled me over because he thought i was drunk. clearly i was in my own lane the whole time and i knew he was behind me so y would i be so stupid as to swerve. well neways im about sick of cops right now.
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Guest Hondaman2
I pass by there every day and i see them all the time....they need to up it to 45MPH but they wont let that happen they need more tax money... I hate driving thru there GRRRR :mad:
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