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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. Agreed, the man is unreal and has been around for 16 years.
  2. I have a 15in Mac book Pro and I would say go for the air. Using your disk drive is becoming more and more obsolete. It really comes down to how much HD space you want and if you use a external Hard Drive.
  3. Neither play is illegal...if it touches the centers hands and goes to a player it's completely legal.
  4. ^^^ http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3160/5759047636_0b8f23c752.jpg Buzz Killington by cNeutron, on Flickr
  5. You said you already had someone coming to look at the bike. I never said to hold it for me all I asked was to check it out when I was in town. I didn't have time while I was there to check it out so my bad.
  6. I finally got a new bike and I think I found a pretty sick one. All stock as for now but who knows about the future. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3579/5731903812_51ffcd741e.jpg GSXR(LS) by cNeutron, on Flickr http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3168/5731904136_281e675e84.jpg GSXR(SV) by cNeutron, on Flickr http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3356/5731355919_a376bd228f.jpg GSXR(CLV) by cNeutron, on Flickr http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2704/5731355569_6fe000bfd0.jpg GSXR(RS) by cNeutron, on Flickr
  7. How many PETA members does it take to change a lightbulb?....None, PETA can't change anything.
  8. haha they have a squidbillies set, I hate ND so much but I will say you are really good at making cornhole sets. Great work
  9. I could care less about either of these teams personally, I would rather see the Packers win if I had to chose. Im sick of seeing the SAME AFC teams in the Superbowl. Insert random NFC team and add either Steelers, Pats, or Colts to the mix. It gets quite boring someone else in the AFC needs to step up. I wanted the Ravens to go to the Super Bowl against my Falcons, maybe next year.
  10. http://gizmodo.com/5736627/the-lego-stadium-that-wouldve-cost-around-75000-to-build
  11. I have gone to Daniel Jones for years ever since I was diagnosed with epilepsy. His phone number at his office is (614) 487-1409.
  12. Those who say "fuck death" dont respect life. I lost both my parents in a 2 1/2 year span and I try to take life a little more seriously then just getting fucked up. I feel bad for anyone who says that, shows how pathetic their life really is. Lose something close to you and you will find out how lucky you really are. I still havent accomplished everything I wanted to in my life and I would not be happy to die today. I didnt cope with death through drugs and adult beverages.
  13. I think the game is alright, don't forget this ISNT the same team that made MW2. This is the OTHER design studio. I don't know how you mess up a almost perfect formula but somehow people do.
  14. The Big Bang Theory is the worse show on tv. Its not funny the jokes seemed forced and are predictable. Weeds and Dexter are amazing.
  15. its fancy sauce....I would bathe in it.
  16. How could anyone forget about Con Air? He was good in raising Arizona if I remember the name of the movie correctly.
  17. If I was still in Ohio I would go in a second.
  18. cNeutron

    Madden 2011

    Your dumb its the best Madden in forever. Last year was a waste of money they finally made the game more responsive. I still wish 2K could make NFL games but I think that will come back sometime.
  19. Obviously not done in MLB because no player in the MLB can do that, lack of athletic ability. God I hate baseball but that was a nice catch.
  20. cNeutron

    NBA Jam

    So I was happy to hear that NBA Jam was going to be coming to the PS3 and 360 with online play. Come to find out you wont be able to buy this game on their online stores. You can only get it by purchasing NBA Elite which is dumb because the game sucks. Even worse the version for the PS3 and 360 is stripped down and not the complete game. I hate the wii and will not spend money for one just to get one game. I think EA is a bunch of ass hats and should sell the game separately. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6272128.html?tag=latestheadlines%3Btitle%3B1
  21. I recently saw a anti Obama bumper sticker that said "nope" instead of "hope"....it was on a Prius...I laughed
  22. Why do you keep on bringing TO up it doesnt make sense!? I agreed with you about him so im not sure why you are all butt hurt about me agreeing with you. Dont call the Yankees that greatest team of all time when they are in the MLB. I will even give you the 49ers even though it shows you only like teams that were successful. If you still like them I will be ok with that but im pretty sure you dont. Yankees are everything that is wrong in sports they DO NOT deserve their rings. They were bought and it makes me sick. You must not be smart enough to realize that and must think they are just good and worked their way up.
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