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cops out to the max


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fyi, those that travel state route 100 between bucyrus and tiffin ohio, between that section, approx. 30 miles i kid you not i saw 12 state patrol cars, 3 sheriffs and 2 local cops. be on the alert they got me nov. 24th.


i fought the law today in court and the law raped me.


p.s. if you get a speeding ticket just pay the waiver court costs in bucyrus is 74 bucks!


chief :mad:

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Guest infamous me 235
Route 4 from 23-to bucyrus is usually pretty bad too. I always set the cruise on 55. I let the dumbasses pass me and get caught speeding. THere's ALWAYS atleast 1 "law enforcement" person on that road when I goto my grandparents house.
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