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find a LEO, ask them for help... make a couple passes, they will tell you your speed...no problems...

they are public servants after all, they won't mind helping you out, especially if they have nothing better to do at the moment...

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just find one of those roadside things the PD puts out that tells you what your speed is, and make a few passes.

or use a GPS. that would probably be the easiest way.

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You'd be suprised what a LEO will help you with if you just ask....

one time I was driving home and my shock mount broke on my old grand prix (made 1 hell of a screeching noise with the tire rubbing inside the fender well, and my turns took a lane and 1/2)

I found a cop nearby, and asked him if he would follow me home with the lights and sirens so nobody would get hurt (about 5 blocks)

suprisingly he said yes, I had smoke rollin out from under my fender from the tire rub, I screeched around 2 curves, across 2 lanes, and when I got home he told me good luck fixing it, and went about his day

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find a LEO, ask them for help... make a couple passes, they will tell you your speed...no problems...

they are public servants after all, they won't mind helping you out, especially if they have nothing better to do at the moment...

yeah but then they always want some donuts or something in return..

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Yeah, but I think my speed-o-healer is way off. I need to check my own speed.

How did you program it? There's a website somewhere that walks ya thru it. If you've already got a speedohealer, a GPS would work to verify it. GPS is accurate but only a straight line. It doesn't see curves or elevation.

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just find one of those roadside things the PD puts out that tells you what your speed is, and make a few passes.

Like the one in McLovin's avatar!! :lol:

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How did you program it? There's a website somewhere that walks ya thru it. If you've already got a speedohealer, a GPS would work to verify it. GPS is accurate but only a straight line. It doesn't see curves or elevation.

My GPS shows elevation. I'm not sure why your's doesn't.

As far as the speed-o-healer, it came with the bike when I got it. I've been thinking about taking that and the sprocket off.

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My GPS shows elevation. I'm not sure why your's doesn't.

As far as the speed-o-healer, it came with the bike when I got it. I've been thinking about taking that and the sprocket off.

Guess I should have clarified myself. GPS doesn't take elevation and curves into account when figuring land speed. It measure straight line from point A to point B. Elevation is a non issue when calculating speed.

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Guess I need to find a bored LEO then because mine shows about 10 higher than I'm going when I'm around 50-70 so I have no idea how fast I'm going when it says 25-35. Following a cop thru Westerville the other day in a 35 zone my speedo said 40. :dunno:

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just find one of those roadside things the PD puts out that tells you what your speed is, and make a few passes.

In 2004 I went by one and it showed 115mph. I couldn't go by it any faster because it was a fast sweeper not straight line.

Becareful though, because some of them know that people know it's just a sign. So, the cops will wait for people to speed past the sign on purpose and bust them.

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Yesterday, I had a buddy of mine hit me with radar to see how fast I was going. I was actually doing 60mph, but he said I was doing 53. So, is it gap increasing as I increase in speed? This is killing me. I want to fix this as soon as possible.

BTW, I have a tooth down in the front, as well as a speed o healer. I didn't set it up, the guy I bought it from did. I'm going to find the directions and make sure it's set right.

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