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Need to get my car inspected for plates, know anyone?


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My car needs to be inspected before I can get it plated up since I purchased it out of state. Does anyone know of someone here who can do that for me possibly? The car won't move for a few days yet and I want to get all the paper work in order before she rolls out. I'm not sure of how to get it done or if anyone can come to where the car is at (trailoring it there is out of the question now as it's already being worked on). So if there are any suggestions i'd gladly accept them.



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What Ant. said.. I bought my GTO out of state and when I went to get plates on it at the BMV, the clerk came outside and did a quick visual and recorded the VIN # and shit like that. I didn't need to get it officially "Inspected"
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go to Roby Mitsubishi off Post rd. and take your title, make sure the VIN is right, and you have the correct miles.


Look for Clint, he's a writter, ask him to do it for ya and give him $10 or something.


He just did my Monte Carlo title for me, because I couldn't take it anywhere to have the inspection done. :)


I don't know Clint personally really but he's a got a pretty sweet Accord that'll be out this summer, and the guy there Dave is a really good friend of mine, and Clint is a really good friend of Dave's.


That should be all the Bullshitting info you need :). Make it worth his time and he won't need the car there, takes him like two minutes.


(Roby is by the Toybarn)

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