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The Turbnado...


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Guest stvbreal

More Power: Would you like to have more power at your wheels? Whether you have an aftermarket or stock intake system, the Turbnado will add up to 35 horsepower to your vehicle .




I should have ditched the GT30R and bought this thing and saved a ton of money. graemlins/lol.gif

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It requires no maintenance and it only takes 5 minutes or less and a screwdriver to install. If you don't feel comfortable installing it, have your mechanic do it for you. If he doesn't install it for free, find a different mechanic.


1 if you need a mechanic to install it, you are a dolt, and not even qualified to chage your won oil.

2 if your mechanic can install it without lauging his ass off at you, he should be on the world poker tour.


Originally posted by Tenzig:

Have you seen a one legged midgit skull fuck a cocker spaniel?

you sir, are fucked up
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