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Bashing an RX-7

Guest Rromanitas

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Guest Rromanitas

My college's homecoming is this weekend. So my fraternity (yes I am in a fraternity) decided to do a car bash and spray paint the rival college on the car and let people take a couple swings at it with a sludge hammer. But I just found it it was a mazda rx-7, har har har. I am going to get my rotary aggression out, and i'll be sure to post some pics.


P.S. I doubt it is an FD haha.

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Originally posted by Tony:

Why couldn't they use a Civic or a Hyundai, or maybe a Cavalier? :confused:

My guess... Someone had a car that they sold to someone else for very little or no money, and it just happened to be an RX-7. I don't think it would matter what kind of car it was for something like this. Probably just whatever could be had for ten bucks or something.
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