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Wet sanding


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Anyone here capable of either doing it or at least showing me what to do? I want to wet sand the car. I have several scratches on the car.. some kinda deep.. not too bad. Just wanted to see what it would do.


Anyone out there? smile.gif .

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i wouldnt wet sand it, i would use an finishing sander wit 1200 grit sand paper and then buff it.

i have one of these sanders if you need it let me know.

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Shawn...I'd stay away from wetsanding to get scratches out unless you can only see them and cannot feel them with a finger nail. IF you can feel them...and go after them for correction with sand paper you're going to cause premature clear coat failure in the near future. Sure it will look good for now but when you get that spotty clear failure down the road you'll be highly disappointed.


Best bet is to take an abrasive polish and a buffer to the paint and knock down the edges the best you can which will reduce reflection from light and make them less apparent...but generally if you can feel it it's not completely going to go away without sacrifices down the raod.


With that said...there's not much to it...use a small pale of water, get some 2000 or 3000 grit paper...saturate it in the water and wet the surface as well then sand the surface in back and forth motions. fire up the buffer or old arm with some abrasive polishes when finished to rub out any sanding marks...then break out the fine polish to finish up and bring back the gloss and finally protection of you choice.



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I'll have to take a pic of the car after i wash it eventually and show you. i guess you'd have to see it up close instead of some pics. I got some real wierd shit too that's under the front bra. I'll try and take a pic tonight.
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