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I'm getting very tired of this crap from James and you. If James wants us to air his dirty laundry, so be it. But I have saved this thread and I will seek legal counsel - lies like this cannot be posted on public boards without consequences.


Have a nice day.

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Originally posted by 182mph:

ZX11 nice.. but so far tank will be the only one bringin somethign worth while to the table

That'd be true, if it was stock. Hope you're well into single digits, so its interesting for me. ;)

...Turbo Hayabusa. :confused: ... I saw one of those run 8.66 in Cleveland last year. 11's aren't anywhere near competition for that thing. I don't think thats what it is.
Too bad. Cause an 8second ride would give me a problem. But only about a second's worth of problem. Looking forward to it.


Where's this happening btw? Is it sort of all over?

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Originally posted by Stolen 5.0:

why do ppl buy bikes and try to race cars, i think that is gay. it's sweet if ur car is fast enough to call out bikes, but most bikes out there are faster than a car, so why buy a bike and call out cars? fuckin stupid

Bingo... graemlins/thumb.gif
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Originally posted by Mallard:

So whatddya' got Hoblick? Is it your ZX7R?


If it is I hope you have either:


a) swapped to the big bore 998cc ZX9


b) turboed the ZX7


So ya know what everyone else has...what are you going to be racing with?

someones heading in the right direction
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Guest 10secondMouse
Originally posted by 182mph:

should i have some sort of qualifications so to weed out the slow cars..

like must trap ATLEAST 120 mph or run low 11s

My junk runs 120 in the 1/8th, nevermind, it's not a street driven vehicle.
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If your talking about racing your ZX7, even with spray and a turbo i doubt you could do 220, i doubt it could even do 182 stock, im sure it does 182 indicated, my bike does over 180 indicated easily but theres about a 5-7% error on the speedo. So what are you really going to race? Has to be something other than your ZX7 or else your gonna get your ass handed to you a couple of times...
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Why does everyone think he is racing his "stock" ZX7. Has anyone thought maybe he will be modding it. I mean it is just like modding a car. Does anyone think I will racing my car the same way it was last yr. No, maybe he has big plans for the bike that he doesnt want to share... I know I am keeping my setup on the hush hush..
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Yeah that is true, but theres only so much you can do to a 98 ZX7, if he plans on beating an 04 R1 it will cost prob more than what his bike is worth to be at that level of performance, but i dont know, im still fairly new to bikes when ive been only riding for 2 years and have about 20,000 miles under my belt. So the more expierence riders for instance (182mph) maybe does have big plans for it i dunno... and im sure knows more about modding bikes than i do.. I was just trying to make a point that his bike will not do 182 mph stock, it will do that indicated, but hes not actually going 182 mph i looked up the top speed for a stock 2000 ZX7R and it is 158. Also if he has some major mods coming their most likely going to have to be all custom because there is very little aftermarket support for the ZX7R..
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