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So So Nice


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Not sure if I'm posting this in the correct area or not, I apologize if I'm not. Just curious if this belonged to someone on the board. If only I had the money, I would snatch this up in a hearbeat graemlins/thumb.gif


http://used-cars.autos.yahoo.com/usedcars/detail/index.html?cid=automobiles-1117323263-1859783&dst=14.23&rsr=dnR5cGU9YXV0b3MmZ3VyPTUwJm1rPUFjdXJhJm1ha2U9QUNVUkEmbW15PTEmcmVmc3JjPWF 1dG9zL2hvbWUmY29kZT1BQ1VSQS5BY3VyYSZjc3o9NDMyMzAmYj02MSY-

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Originally posted by Mr. Wright:

its shiny....thats about it.

Yes, a shiny turd.


i think I'm going to get suicide Lambo doors for my Lumina.. that would be the bomb. graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif

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