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Last night I had some stupid little fuck in a beat-up, late-80s, orange Camaro w/aluminum-painted steel wheels get all pissed off cause he thought I cut him off on High St. at City Center Mall(where there is a fence in the south-bound lane). If the little bitch had been paying attention to what his lane did, he would have known that BOTH LANES MOVE TO THE LEFT!

Instead he ended up getting his beater ass handed to him by a 4,000lb luxury car. I smoked his ass all the way to 60mph then let off. Then his bitch-ass has the nerve to THROW something at my car as I turned for my exit.

If he's on here, I'm lookin for his beater ass.

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Actually, Bonneville's are one of the most luxurious cars in it's class. Just because it's not a $70,000 german car does not mean it isn't a luxury car. Ride in one sometime, especially a new one, they are NICE cars!
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Originally posted by Jooomer:

Actually, Bonneville's are one of the most luxurious cars in it's class. Just because it's not a $70,000 german car does not mean it isn't a luxury car. Ride in one sometime, especially a new one, they are NICE cars!

Well put. Ride in a blown one, they are even better... graemlins/thumb.gif
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Originally posted by Jooomer:

Actually, Bonneville's are one of the most luxurious cars in it's class. Just because it's not a $70,000 german car does not mean it isn't a luxury car. Ride in one sometime, especially a new one, they are NICE cars!

I have ridden in one, that's why I was confused. That's like that guy on here that was saying he modified his Grand Prix because he wanted luxury and speed. I didn't know they were luxurious either. Maybe I just have high standards. They're OK, but not what I consider luxurious.
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that was me...


dude, you cut me off... and I wasn't racing you.... I drive a camaro, I would have smoked ya tongue.gif


Before, you go flying off the handle on my post, look at my sig... I'm just trying to fuel the fire tongue.gif

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Guest Tony_K

A Bonneville is hardly a luxury car compared to a Mk VIII. I think Ponyfreak was being sarcastic, kind of like when a honda guy says "my car is fast" and someone with a 12-second f-body says "what do you mean, fast?"


And Pontiac has, since 1987, been imitating the German performance/luxury sedans with the Bonneville. I like Bonnevilles, but BMW > Bonnie.


What the Europeans CAN'T touch is the American style of luxury, like the DeVille from its beginning up through at least the mid-90s (I haven't experienced one newer than that) and the traditional Lincolns. Americans should be more proud of our own style and quit imitating Europe - I think ours is much more luxurious than the Europeans'. After all, most Limos are Town Cars, not Benzs.

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Show me another "luxury" car with HALF of the features of a Bonneville SSEi or GXP for $30,000. My boss just got a GXP out the door for under $30k. You are diluted if you say a Bonneville isn't a luxry car.


Just because it isn't German does not mean it isn't luxury. Some of you people make me sick.

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Guest HERWS6

Sticker price on the GXP is roughly 38.5.


30K was out the door with rebates, GM card earnings, availablity, and a secret.


Time to upgrade the cam(s) in that V8! ;)


INTENSE never rests...

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Originally posted by Bananular:

You can call a bonnevile a luxury car all you want, but it's still really ugly. And unless Chris has gotten ahold of it, is probably pretty slow.



Disclaimer: They could be fast for all I know. I haven't ever looked into Bonnies as performance cars. :shrugs:

I actually like the way they look, save for the 4x4 ride height. You could drive my F-250 under a Bonneville with stock suspension. :eek:


The SSEi is a high-15 second car in stock form. Not bad for a 4000 pound boat. Ours runs 11.4. tongue.gif

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Originally posted by Jooomer:

I actually like the way they look, save for the 4x4 ride height. You could drive my F-250 under a Bonneville with stock suspension. :eek:


The SSEi is a high-15 second car in stock form. Not bad for a 4000 pound boat. Ours runs 11.4. tongue.gif [/QB]

Actually, my '95 is a Series 1 SC(225hp), so I'm actually only in low-to-mid-16s

I readily admit, as I have from the start, that my car is not nearly as fast as many others on this forum, nor have I done any real mods on it yet. It is, however, comfortable, relatively fast considering it's high weight, and very fun to drive. For anyone who doubts it's luxury-car status, I invite you to take a ride with me next time I'm out at a meet, and play with all 9 of the seat adjuster buttons. Just keep in mind that it is a 124,000-mile luxury car and a couple speakers are blown(my fault).

4X4 ride height? My car is lower than most F-bodies!

And for you guys that are telling me to "get a life", or "STFU and keep driving", HE THREW SOMETHING AT MY CAR! That is NOT acceptable!

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Guest Ponyfreak
I have a mark VIII for sale for $3200 that will open up the metaphorical can of luxury whoop ass and pour all over a bonnie. I do not consider Mark VIII's luxurious either. But that is just me.
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Originally posted by Tony K:

Americans should be more proud of our own style and quit imitating Europe - I think ours is much more luxurious than the Europeans'. After all, most Limos are Town Cars, not Benzs.

I fully agree with this statement I came back from Atlanta in a lincoln and after the road trip I actually felt good and had enough energy to go out that night Im definitly a fan of American luxury cars now



And for you guys that are telling me to "get a life", or "STFU and keep driving", HE THREW SOMETHING AT MY CAR! That is NOT acceptable!
I agree your not the first person or the last person to post a thread like this.Fuck it vent to hell with everyone else.
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Originally posted by I hate W bodys.:

Yeah but uh, one feature is that they are rear wheel drive...cough....and a tad better than GM build quality....

Who needs RWD when you are driving a toaster with wheels?
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Originally posted by Jooomer:

You are diluted

Do you mean that they have been mixed with a quantity of an inert substance in order to reduce their concentration? :eek:


If you think that simply having power adjustable, heated leather seats qualifies a car as "luxury", then you might be deluded. ;)


Why is it that people take offense that a descriptive adjective might not apply to their car, btw? Calling it "luxury" or "non-luxury" is not a validation or condemnation of it's worth or value.


To me, a luxury car has a very particular set of features and purpose. Fine quality materials, some degree of craftsmanship, comfort without compromise, and elegant stying would be part of the definition. Rolls, Bentley, Maybach, some Jaguars, and Cadillac's Sixteen show car all fit that. Before anyone cries about price, luxury cars aren't cheap, which is a key part of the point.


I mean, if I tried to call my Supra an "exotic", there would be (and should be) howls of laughter. I could argue that it's performance meets or exceeds some true exotics, that it's production numbers make it as rare or more rare than some exotics, that it's stying was wildly different and groundbreaking in 1994, that it is better engineered than many exotics, or a number of other cases. It would be pure bullshit, however. It's a Toyota, with an engine shared by half a dozen more common Toyotas, it wasn't expensive enough to be exotic, and while it holds it's value well, is hardly in high demand by car collectors.


That doesn't make my car any less than what it is, or demean it's value. Just because I like the car doesn't make it something it's not, however.

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Originally posted by WWJKD?:

Do you mean that they have been mixed with a quantity of an inert substance in order to reduce their concentration? :eek:

Yes, their brains have a high concentration of inert brain cells. tongue.gif


Mark, after this most recent post I firmly believe that you have too much on your hands. graemlins/nonono.gif

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