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A car club where some of you can express yourselves

Guest Tony_K

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Guest Tony_K



graemlins/puke.gif Not really surprised this exists... ..if it's not obvious in their name what Great Autos of Yesteryear is about, consider their motto is "Out of the garage..." and their newsletter is the "Solenoid"


...and that they are touting the New Beetle...


Good for a laugh anyway!

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And your point is? I don't see a problem with that club.... Show a little respect, mb?


Clubs like this is what keeps the history of the automobile. These guys were probably gearheads before you were a twinkle in your dad's eye....

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Originally posted by Buck531:

You're just backing that site up because you're a member.

Oh gee, I didn't see that one coming! graemlins/jerkit.gif


Let's try and be original Shawn. tongue.gif

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Guest Tony_K

Geez... I didn't know that CR was listed in the Lavender Pages!


For all the calling each other "gay" and "ghey" and graemlins/gay.gif on here, you folks sure are sensitive!


I got a kick out of the clever innuendo in their site without ever mentioning what they are about. If you all can't take a little humor, then graemlins/finger.gif



...oh, and here are some smileys: :Dtongue.gif;):D so you know I'm just teasing you (no pun intended)

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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by Maro:

And your point is? I don't see a problem with that club.... Show a little respect, mb?


Clubs like this is what keeps the history of the automobile. These guys were probably gearheads before you were a twinkle in your dad's eye....

The ironic thing about your post is that I'm probably more into "the history of the automobile" than anyone else on here.


If you are going to tell someone to "show a little respect," you should set an example yourself when you post.


And the graemlins/puke.gif is for homosexual acts; if you like that stuff, then sorry, I didn't mean to offend you personally. I find much of what gays impose on everyone offensive, but they cry "bigot" or "hate" if anyone expresses distaste with what they feel they have to show to everyone.


Or did you miss the whole gay thing? Once again, I posted because I thought their references throughout the site were funny.





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Guest nevarmore

You weren't really clear in your first post that you were amused by the subtle nature of thier site. Looked more like you were using someone elses club to razz the people here or just outright insult another club.


Check yer email.

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Guest Tony_K
Originally posted by Tony K:

Good for a laugh anyway!

I was trying not to give it away, see if people on here would get it.


...then laugh at the people on here who didn't get it! :Dtongue.gif (j/k)...


begin rant (not directed at you, Jon):


Most people can't seem to separate liking/disliking homosexual acts from liking/disliking the people who do them. For all the moral, social, and health reasons that many people here on CR and elsewhere place no value on, I will always speak against the practice of homosexuality. This has not stopped me from being friends with gays, though. I have two faggot car friends. One of them will be helping me with the Lancia this weekend. If you swing by, you can meet him (double pun intended there tongue.gif ). I'm completely against gay anything, but will never hold it against the rest of the person, i.e. "hate" someone for practicing homosexual acts.


When someone else on Columbus Racing has lived in San Francisco and Miami Beach, has worked for a "multicultural arts festival," been a minority straight employee in two different REAL jobs, been to a drag queen pageant, the Gay-Day Parade, and that festival on Key West, and has done a little research on gay culture in relation to history, society, and health, then they can come back and challenge my views, as long as they don't "hate" me for my views.


With all due respect, graemlins/gay.gif = graemlins/puke.gif . One good woman = yummy. Feel free to disagree, but don't hate me for it.






/end rant


(okay Jon, I'll check my email)

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Originally posted by NBC4 Fuel Dude:

Shawn, I got my Autotap in and installed. I have the Windows and MS-DOS versions on my laptop.


Lemme know if you're interested.

Cool. After doing the cam and a few other things, I just want to make sure my car is running right ;) . Maybe sometime nextweek and/or Sunday we can get together. I'm working this weekend :( .
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Originally posted by Tony K:

I was trying not to give it away, see if people on here would get it.


...then laugh at the people on here who didn't get it! :Dtongue.gif (j/k)...


begin rant (not directed at you, Jon):


Most people can't seem to separate liking/disliking homosexual acts from liking/disliking the people who do them. For all the moral, social, and health reasons that many people here on CR and elsewhere place no value on, I will always speak against the practice of homosexuality. This has not stopped me from being friends with gays, though. I have two faggot car friends. One of them will be helping me with the Lancia this weekend. If you swing by, you can meet him (double pun intended there tongue.gif ). I'm completely against gay anything, but will never hold it against the rest of the person, i.e. "hate" someone for practicing homosexual acts.


When someone else on Columbus Racing has lived in San Francisco and Miami Beach, has worked for a "multicultural arts festival," been a minority straight employee in two different REAL jobs, been to a drag queen pageant, the Gay-Day Parade, and that festival on Key West, and has done a little research on gay culture in relation to history, society, and health, then they can come back and challenge my views, as long as they don't "hate" me for my views.


With all due respect, graemlins/gay.gif = graemlins/puke.gif . One good woman = yummy. Feel free to disagree, but don't hate me for it.






/end rant


(okay Jon, I'll check my email)

All hail the soapbox king...take a pill chief. Everytime I read one of your posts you're always ranting about something
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Originally posted by 007CRX:

All hail the soapbox king...take a pill chief. Everytime I read one of your posts you're always ranting about something

+1 ...


And, yea, I guess I did miss the gay thing... Still... I don't see any reason to poke fun at that sight. I stand by my original reply...



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Originally posted by Tony K:

I was trying not to give it away, see if people on here would get it.


...then laugh at the people on here who didn't get it! :Dtongue.gif (j/k)...


begin rant (not directed at you, Jon):


Most people can't seem to separate liking/disliking homosexual acts from liking/disliking the people who do them. For all the moral, social, and health reasons that many people here on CR and elsewhere place no value on, I will always speak against the practice of homosexuality. This has not stopped me from being friends with gays, though. I have two faggot car friends. One of them will be helping me with the Lancia this weekend. If you swing by, you can meet him (double pun intended there tongue.gif ). I'm completely against gay anything, but will never hold it against the rest of the person, i.e. "hate" someone for practicing homosexual acts.


When someone else on Columbus Racing has lived in San Francisco and Miami Beach, has worked for a "multicultural arts festival," been a minority straight employee in two different REAL jobs, been to a drag queen pageant, the Gay-Day Parade, and that festival on Key West, and has done a little research on gay culture in relation to history, society, and health, then they can come back and challenge my views, as long as they don't "hate" me for my views.


With all due respect, graemlins/gay.gif = graemlins/puke.gif . One good woman = yummy. Feel free to disagree, but don't hate me for it.






/end rant


(okay Jon, I'll check my email)

im jumping on board with tony........not a fan of the gay thing sorry
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Originally posted by Tony K:

I was trying not to give it away, see if people on here would get it.


...then laugh at the people on here who didn't get it! :Dtongue.gif (j/k)...


begin rant (not directed at you, Jon):


Most people can't seem to separate liking/disliking homosexual acts from liking/disliking the people who do them. For all the moral, social, and health reasons that many people here on CR and elsewhere place no value on, I will always speak against the practice of homosexuality. This has not stopped me from being friends with gays, though. I have two faggot car friends. One of them will be helping me with the Lancia this weekend. If you swing by, you can meet him (double pun intended there tongue.gif ). I'm completely against gay anything, but will never hold it against the rest of the person, i.e. "hate" someone for practicing homosexual acts.


When someone else on Columbus Racing has lived in San Francisco and Miami Beach, has worked for a "multicultural arts festival," been a minority straight employee in two different REAL jobs, been to a drag queen pageant, the Gay-Day Parade, and that festival on Key West, and has done a little research on gay culture in relation to history, society, and health, then they can come back and challenge my views, as long as they don't "hate" me for my views.


With all due respect, graemlins/gay.gif = graemlins/puke.gif . One good woman = yummy. Feel free to disagree, but don't hate me for it.






/end rant


(okay Jon, I'll check my email)

well said. and i agree.
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Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

That was the wrong thing to say in this context.

didnt realize that until i hit reply let me rephrase that........i totally agree with tony (in an absolute straight way that totally straight men agree with each other ;) )
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