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wish i had a camera

Black ITR Guy

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coming back from a fuel dump monday, i was heading down the highway and saw flashing cop and wrecker lights. so i started slowing down to make my way around what i tought was just a wreck. to my suprise the object they were pulling onto the roll-back wrecker was nothing other than a SKI BOAT. I laughed my ass off the rest of the way back to the plant. you could actually see where whoever was hauling it hit a bump to fast and the boat come off, skip, then come to a skidding stop. not one vehicle there around the "scene of the crash" had a trailer missing a boat so i wonder how far the poor guy made it before realizing it was gone?
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Guest 420GSXR1000

OMG..... i am a boater....why do ppl insist on NOT strapping the transom down while on the highway? I dont get it, do they think its THAT heavy it wont move??


i love the boat ramp in the spring too ...ppl r dumb!!!!

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Last time we went down to Key West, which was a long time ago, I was in the back of my Aunt and Uncles old POS RV wile they were towing a 24' boat. This thing couldn't get out of it's own way in any respect. My parents were behind us in their van.


There was some jack ass in a company van towing a smaller company boat, about 15 feet, brand new, NOT strapped down. He was passing people up whenever he possible could on the road that goes through the keys. For those of you that have never been on that road before, it's a 2 lane road almost the whole entire way through the keys with a lot of traffic. He was about four cars ahead of us and he jack knifed the trailer and the boat came of backwards and left a fiberglass skid mark on the road. In order for my uncle to not hit the people in front of us, he had to go over on the berm and slow down. It was a pretty interesting sight to see, my Dad and Uncle got out of their respective cars and made sure everyone was ok and we got the fuck out of there before we couldn't get through because of the accident. I can only assume that guy lost his job.

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my uncle had the wich cable on his trailer snap once while we where putting the boat in lake erie. for as loud as it was when it hit, it didnt damage anything. We always tie it down when its on the trailer, hate to see what a 24' boat would do to a car that was following to colse.
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