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Any good local Valentine1 (or other Radar detector) installers?


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Looking to pick up a Valentine1. But I don't want that sloppy cord hanging down, and actually I'd prefer to use the concealed display add-on.


Does anyone know a good place in town that can install this without


a) Horking up my car's wiring

b) Horking up the interior panels

c) Taking all day to install it


I'm looking for a place that guarentees their work, and takes some pride in professional installation and work. I also will need to be present when they do it.


Thanks in advance

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Give Kelly a call at creative custom. He has been doing custom installs and wiring on cars for 15 years - he takes great pride in his work.


(740) 362-0694

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Yeah, it's not too hard if you're comfortable with wiring and pulling trim panals off.


A friend of mine installed my Blinder for me along with most of the wiring on my AFC and gauges. He does nice work. He did all the wiring on his race car and got quite a few compliments on it. If you decide not to do it yourself let me know if you want me to ask him for you. (He hard wired his own V1 a few weeks ago too)

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

The wiring is not what bothers me either, its taking care of the interior panels during the install. May be psycho-somatic, but they always seem to squeak or rattle after they're taken off once...


Kind of a "break the seal" syndrome.



I was like that too when I did stereo installs. I talked with a few local shops and they say knowing the location of any screws, or door panel plastic thingies, was crucial. They also recommend either using a rubberized undercoating on the panel prier, screw drivers, and etc. You can get it at napa for like 5$ or so. Another option is to tape up the tools with electrical tape.

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