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Thanks everyone, Speeds is fucked.

Guest Mekkahfire

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Guest Mekkahfire

I would like to the the first to thank all of you for the maturity overall that was shown durring the shows. Unfortunatly, last weekend someone stole 3 trash cans and dumped the contents all over the parking lot. So an employee of speeds, my buddy dan called me up angry as fuck, yelling at me and shit. He told me not to bring any more cars next weekend because its over. Whitehall police will be there if anyone shows.


I just want to let you all know that im done doing the fucking work since some of you decide to keep fucking it up for all of us. The work i do goes unapriciated, and half the time un-believed. If you guys want a meeting spot, enlist someone else because im done. I cant deal with these fucking ricers anymore.

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Guest powers
Originally posted by Im JDM Yo:

I would like to the the first to thank all of you for the maturity overall that was shown durring the shows. Unfortunatly, last weekend someone stole 3 trash cans and dumped the contents all over the parking lot. So an employee of speeds, my buddy dan called me up angry as fuck, yelling at me and shit. He told me not to bring any more cars next weekend because its over. Whitehall police will be there if anyone shows.


I just want to let you all know that im done doing the fucking work since some of you decide to keep fucking it up for all of us. The work i do goes unapriciated, and half the time un-believed. If you guys want a meeting spot, enlist someone else because im done. I cant deal with these fucking ricers anymore.

You talking to me?


I really don't think that you are. Because that would be stupid on your part. Hey i have an idea Take you peice of shit 17 second car, and beat it. You want to come in here and talk shit. Na I don't think you do.


Oh and by the way, don't ever come and talk smak to me you little bitch. When you say everyone that includes me and I don't appreciate it. So if you have a problem with someone in piticluar take it up with them you little cock sucker.

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Originally posted by Im JDM Yo:

I would like to the the first to thank all of you for the maturity overall that was shown durring the shows. Unfortunatly, last weekend someone stole 3 trash cans and dumped the contents all over the parking lot. So an employee of speeds, my buddy dan called me up angry as fuck, yelling at me and shit. He told me not to bring any more cars next weekend because its over. Whitehall police will be there if anyone shows.


I just want to let you all know that im done doing the fucking work since some of you decide to keep fucking it up for all of us. The work i do goes unapriciated, and half the time un-believed. If you guys want a meeting spot, enlist someone else because im done. I cant deal with these fucking ricers anymore.

Go post this on your own board...with all its users!

Save your breath for working on your your 10 second mr2..



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I was close, I said a month and it was 5wks. It doesn't matter how much you put into making meets, the asswipes are always going to mess it up. I don't believe anyone from this board did it, so go post somewhere else. Keep in mind, we had our own place set up, for 2 yrs we meet there and then the fucktards decided to fuck it up, so we wouldn't do that to anyone. We never asked you to set up a meeting spot, and hell I only think maybe 10 of us ever went, so shove your "I just want to let you all know that im done doing the fucking work since some of you decide to keep fucking it up for all of us. The work i do goes unapriciated, and half the time un-believed. If you guys want a meeting spot, enlist someone else because im done." up your ass and go to your own board and yell at them because we didn't mess it up. Stay over there too, there was a reason you started it right?


<---Elinar Longsight posting.

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Guest Mekkahfire

Your fucking members came to our meets last saturday and some douche with a DSM kept asking me if i was on columbus racing, and he was walking up to everyone wanting to race for 100 bucks and shit, right when we were trying to talk a cop away. And to the little internet warriors that threatened me in above posts, as much as im afraid of you, sitting there at your computer typing all angry and shit, go away.


This post wasnt meant for your critisism. It was meant to congradulate, whoever fucking stole that trash can and dumped the shit all over the parking lot for fucking it up. I decided that person probably resides on this board, since so many of your members DO come to our meets.

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Our meets last over a year in the same place. Yours last what, 6 weeks maybe?


Maybe it's the clients you cater to. Maybe it's your shitty ricer attitude. Maybe it's just you.


I think it's all of the above. Do not blame CR for your shortcomings, I'd think you'd have learned your lesson by now.


<---Praetorian posting.

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so you decide to put the blame on CR? what makes you think it was someone from CR? there arnt to many people on here that would actually be stupid enough to follow you around asking to race esspecialy infront of a cop.


take your blame to another board.... its probobly wasnt even somone on a board it was probobly the same fuckin people that trash every other place but dont give a rats ass becase they know a new meeting spot will start up someplace.

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Go Fuck Yourself you arrogant prick.

god among gods.. provider of the youth.. your a fucking cunt. dont point fingers until you have proof. no one on this board would dare do a thing like you have said. i know this for a fact. ive been around these people for long enough to know. even if we absolutely hated you and that spot, we still would NOT do a thing like that. its the ignorant fucking no good ricers who fuck everything up. So cool down for a fucking minute, take a step off your soap box, and THINK. you start blaming people for shit they didnt do.. your bound to catch an ass whooping. you could have been civil about this and asked... "does anyone know anythign about what went on at speeds" etc. we would have loved to help catch the culprit. but duin what you have done will earn you no respect, and now no one is gonna help your ignorant ass.




Oh, by the way im not a Keyboard warrior, i beat ass in real life

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i am a member..and i dont come to your meets...and generally i can't see why anyone would. just a bunch of tacky, riced out shit-boxes...and mAd SkiLLz yO!


take it to your board, we don't give a rats ass....like Anthony said...we've had successful meetings for sometime, so do the favor of keeping all the shit at your meets, so we dont have to worry about it.

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Guest Mekkahfire

shut the fuck up you ignorant fucks. Im not blaming CR. Im letting CR know, blaming ONE if not several of its members, and even more people who arent members. I dont "cater" to anyone. My attitude is anything but ricey. I think YOUR attitude is ricey. You know why? Because you and the majority of the people on this board are faggot internet warriors who do nothing besides judge other people and talk shit which you cant back up. Havnt you ever thought its weird how everyone talks trash about CR, but nobody besides peole FROM CR talk trash about my forum? The reason i have 30 or so active members is the same reason you have 30 or so people who come to your meets-i tell only who i want to. Take what i said, shut the fuck up, dont come to any of our meets, and throttlejokey, bring it flamer.


I dont come on this forum. I hate almost everyone on it because of their douchebag "im better than everyone else" judgemental attitude. This kid who claimed he was from CR and was trying to race everyone for 100bux in front of a police officer is what crossed the line. Figure out who it was and ban them if you claim you dont have "any ricers" on your site.

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Originally posted by ThrottleJockey:

Oh, by the way im not a Keyboard warrior, i beat ass in real life

as stated above.



also, me a flamer?? I would consider my self non homosexual, seeing how i get more female ass than Levis. check the sig you cock hungry, ass humping, fuck stick. Go back to jerking off stale fish.

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Guest Elinar Longsight
I dont come on this forum. I hate almost everyone on it because of their douchebag "im better than everyone else" judgemental attitude.
Strange, you have 8 post in the last 10 days ie so that means you come on here everyday. So if you hate us so, much, why do you keep coming on here to post. Here is the answer...your board(which I see as having maybe one new post every few days) has the same 7 people posting over and over. You left because you were being a tool and didn't like be called on it. So you cried and started your "own" board. Do you know how many of those members are people from here who signed up just out of morbid curiosity and are laughing at you because it sucks. Its the same reason people stop to see an wreak. Leave know, nothing you will say can save you, so just be a man(?) and go away with your judgemental attitude that you believe we carry.
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now you guys are just getting lame


I just want to let you all know that im done doing the fucking work since some of you decide to keep fucking it up for all of us
it sure did sound like you just blames CR for messing this and passed events of yours up. Im not trying to be an ass but thats just how it looks
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Guest Mekkahfire
Originally posted by Elinar Longsight*:

Strange, you have 8 post in the last 10 days ie so that means you come on here everyday. So if you hate us so, much, why do you keep coming on here to post. Here is the answer...your board(which I see as having maybe one new post every few days) has the same 7 people posting over and over. You left because you were being a tool and didn't like be called on it. So you cried and started your "own" board. Do you know how many of those members are people from here who signed up just out of morbid curiosity and are laughing at you because it sucks. Its the same reason people stop to see an wreak. Leave know, nothing you will say can save you, so just be a man(?) and go away with your judgemental attitude that you believe we carry.

Before you get all whiney, why dont you read a little bit.


I dont come on this forum. I hate almost everyone on it because of their douchebag "im better than everyone else" judgemental attitude. This kid who claimed he was from CR and was trying to race everyone for 100bux in front of a police officer is what crossed the line. Figure out who it was and ban them if you claim you dont have "any ricers" on your site.

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Originally posted by Im JDM Yo:

I cant deal with these fucking ricers anymore.

You ARE a ricer, don't you get it. You honestly are one of the biggest ricers to ever get on this board. You are far worse than Neons on the Escort boy, because you have the full ricer attitude to go w/ it.


I'm not locking this thread, as I'm seeing things that could definately be considered personal threats, which there is a no-tolerance policy for here.


The commentary in the first paragraph I only wrote because I don't believe (actually, pretty much know) not a single member of this board likes or has any respect for you, nor would ever stick up for you....EVER. Normally I wouldn't get the "last word in" before locking a thread, but you get to be a special case.

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