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Ipod or not


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I listen to the bike and the others around me.. headphones are not a good idea on a bike IMO.. At most I wear earplugs but they are the noise attenuation type so I still hear everything around me just at a lower decibal level.

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I have speakers mounted inside my helmet that I sometimes plug my Ipod into. They don't sit right on top of your ears so you can still hear everything else that's going on around you. The sound quality isn't great but better than nothing for those long, not so aggressive rides.

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I've tried it, found ear phones are no good...

Installing an amplifier and speakers on my bike along with an ipod holder, and auxilary input...

i love listening to "danger zone" when i ride...but it tends to make me speed a bit...

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saw a bike like that in person at the bos broz bike show at mid ohio. it was a different color and not so alien like, the speakers were a little more well placed.

that think kicked like you are sitting next to a tricked out suburban at a stop light.

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what a waste. who ever designed that should be kicked in the jimmy!

I switch between ear plugs and head phones, I was actually almost run over by and ambulance when I had my ear plugs in, luckily I was turning into my nieghborhood. Didn't even know they were behind me, maybe thats why the growler is for track use only.:dunno:

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I listen to mine when i am by myself, or riding spirited by myself, or long trips by myself. If you havent gotten the rythm (hehehehehehe) of my post yet is i wear them when i ride alone and when i ride with others i listen to their bikes and words if we are stopped.

Here is but a taste of my riding mix:


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I listen to the bike and the others around me.. headphones are not a good idea on a bike IMO.. At most I wear earplugs but they are the noise attenuation type so I still hear everything around me just at a lower decibal level.

:plus1: I think it's dangerous. That's just my opinion. Plus I don't want to hear music all the time. I only listen to music in my car. I don't own an ipod and never will probably. My wife has one. I want to get away from everything including music when I ride. I love the sound of high rpm's.:cool:

Oh, I wear earplugs alot because that wind noise has major long-term side effects when you get older. I've witnessed it happen to many.

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Sometimes I do......Sometimes I don't. Generally has to be a longer ride, or I don't find it's worth messing with for me.

Have a 40 gig Zen with about 2,500 songs on her, so I just put it on shuffle & listen to my own satellite station.......WFONZ!! :D

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I use my Sandisk Sansa 100% of the time along with a set of Sony MDR-EX90LP earbuds. If I ride alone then both earbuds are in. If I ride with someone else then I will only put 1 in so I can still hear them.

100% Ramstein all the time...:bow:

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nick, you never heard of rammstein? i'm sure you've at least heard one of their songs if you've ever seen the movie XXX (a personal fav, mostly cause I have that car)

they are metal/techno/house band from germany...I have a few of their songs...

I like Feuer Frei!, great song to wake up to, cause it starts out all mellow, then gets you pumped for the day...

Getadelt wird wer Schmerzen kennt

vom Feuer das die Haut verbrennt

Ich werf ein Licht

in mein Gesicht

Ein heisser Schrei

Feuer frei!

Bang bang

Geadelt ist wer Schmerzen kennt

vom Feuer das in Lust verbrennt

ein Funkenstoss

in ihren Schoss

ein heisser Schrei

Feuer frei!

Bang bang

Feuer frei!

Gefahrlich ist wer Schmerzen kennt

vom Feuer das den Geist verbrennt

bang bang

gefahrlich das gebrannte Kind

mit Feuer das vom Leben trennt

ein heisser Schrei

bang bang

Feuer frei!

Bang bang

Feuer frei!

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I never heard of them, but I'm sure I might have heard them before. I'm into music like Mudvayne, slipknot, and all that genre. I listen to all music though, but I love most music that has instruments being played in them and not electronically made beats. I love music that gets me pumped up. :D

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