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Need an address...


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Satan, how'd you come up with that address if you don't mind me asking? I don't want to call someone and start in on them by accident.

I don't know 100%, but its the right name and the right city. Its the only one in that city may I add. I'd call, ask for Ray, then ask if he's the ray with the gamer profile or whatever the hell that was. Then rip into him, letting him know you have his address. So much gay porn will be coming his way he'll have to move.

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I don't know 100%, but its the right name and the right city. Its the only one in that city may I add. I'd call, ask for Ray, then ask if he's the ray with the gamer profile or whatever the hell that was. Then rip into him, letting him know you have his address. So much gay porn will be coming his way he'll have to move.

Put him on the Jehovah's Witness lists, the Mormons, etc. Call the churches and give his name and ask for some assistance in "finding my way to God".


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Umm...uh..someone I beat up one time said that's a place he used to visit. Yeah, that's it.

Really, I only know of it because r1crusher has one of their downloads as the desktop wallpaper on his laptop. And a 12 year old philipino boy in a cage in his garage for those "bad days".

Look man-meat-mucher, I only let you out of your cage for a few minutes. Back to the garage boy!

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I've been trying to find a free sms scheduling service online to begin the celly txt bombing. I already have plans to get his XBox ID canned this week and I'm sure to get his home phone listed for some stuff. I did manage to find a couple relatives as well which will also get the same treatment.

I see some Ocean's 11 action coming his way:

"If you're gonna steal from Terry Benedict, you'd better goddamn KNOW. This sorta thing used to be civilized, you'd hit a guy, he'd whack you, done. But with Benedict... at the end of this, he'd BETTER not know you're involved, not know your names or think you're dead because he'll kill ya, and then he'll go to work on ya."

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