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Funny Convo with a ricer!


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AustinL911: What parts do you want off my car?

LiBtSk8: i dunno

AustinL911: you want parts...but you don't know what???

LiBtSk8: got ne thing to go on a z24 cavi on der

AustinL911: no

LiBtSk8: well den howz it gonna go on a mazda

AustinL911: wtf are you talking about? what mazda?

LiBtSk8: my mazda rx-7

AustinL911: what year?

LiBtSk8: later year

AustinL911: 95?

LiBtSk8: ye

AustinL911: engine will make it run pretty damn well....for a mazda.

LiBtSk8: could i put it in a z24 cavi

AustinL911: not a chance...that YOU could.

LiBtSk8: y not

AustinL911: I'm doubting you'd wanna pay what it's worth anyways

AustinL911: first off, it's front wheel drive....have fun with that.

AustinL911: second...engine bay is pretty damn small.

AustinL911: third...it's a fucking cavalier...it'd fall apart

LiBtSk8: u sayin cavis suck

AustinL911: fourth...the engine and tranny would be worth more than the car

AustinL911: yes I am...

AustinL911: I own one...and hate it

AustinL911: my engine sucks(2.2)..and the z24 tranny sucks balls!

LiBtSk8: its not z24 there dumbfuck

AustinL911: z24's suck too.

AustinL911: they might be quicker...but they still suck

LiBtSk8: na they arent there a lot faster

LiBtSk8: so u sayin robbies sucks

AustinL911: they run 15's in the quarter....that's NOT fast

AustinL911: yes I am

AustinL911: he's about to blow his THIRD tranny...

LiBtSk8: robbies car is fucking awesome

AustinL911: hence......they are peices of shit

AustinL911: rob's car is rice

LiBtSk8: so

AustinL911: rice = gay

AustinL911: bodykits, fart pipes, neons = gay

LiBtSk8: a lot better den muscle shit

LiBtSk8: fucking fags drive

AustinL911: HAHA

AustinL911: are you serious?

LiBtSk8: ye bub

AustinL911: wow....obviously never ridden in a fast car?

AustinL911: and a cavalier is NOT a fast car....

LiBtSk8: z24 is prety sweet i like robbies they look even sweeter with kits on dem

AustinL911: they look rice with USELESS body kits on them

LiBtSk8: and muscle is jus gay u all think ur hard shit cuz u got a fucking mustang 5.0

AustinL911: body kits only slow you down and make you look like a fucking retard.

AustinL911: I don't have a 5.0 mustang

LiBtSk8: well heath zealers crx with a b-18 smokes cobra mustangs bub and last time i checked crx were ricers

AustinL911: most people with muscle cars ARE hard shit...cause the cars can back up what their mouth puts out...most of the time.

AustinL911: I'll believe it when I see it

AustinL911: cause right now...I'm gonna call B.S.

LiBtSk8: well u go ahead ask zach

LiBtSk8: it beats cobra mustangs

AustinL911: I'm not asking anyone...I wanna see it

AustinL911: what year cobra?

LiBtSk8: newer years

AustinL911: well that sure as hell narrows it down.

LiBtSk8: muscle sucks

AustinL911: bring it

LiBtSk8: camaros n shit

LiBtSk8: everyones got a fucking mudstain

AustinL911: you find something, rice, that can beat a muscle car....and I'll shake your damn hand for finding an exception.

LiBtSk8: i have]

AustinL911: I agree...alot of people do have a mustang...but that doesn't mean they're slow

LiBtSk8: crx b-18 beating a cobra mustang

AustinL911: I don't have a mustang......

AustinL911: I still don't believe it

AustinL911: not without more details

LiBtSk8: w/e dude

AustinL911: besides....'crx beat a mustang'....cause that narrows it down a whole lot

LiBtSk8: mustangs are like assholes everyones got one and they all stink

AustinL911: way to be original with that one.....

LiBtSk8: way to have a fucking muscle car hard on

AustinL911: well...I like going fast....if I wanted to go slow....I'd buy a 4 cylinder...

LiBtSk8: ricers are a lot cooler

AustinL911: wow...you're an amazing person....

LiBtSk8: i know

LiBtSk8: ricers best

LiBtSk8: muscle suck

LiBtSk8: u gotta admit that a ricer looks a lot cooler than a plain muscle

AustinL911: ummm.....no

AustinL911: rice just looks fuckin retarded...

LiBtSk8: ok mustang or skyline

AustinL911: skyline. because of it being so rare around these parts

AustinL911: and skylines aren't rice

LiBtSk8: so u sayin zach zealers car looks fucking retarted

LiBtSk8: ye they are

AustinL911: no they aren't

AustinL911: I'm saying I don't like body kits

AustinL911: AT ALL

LiBtSk8: zachs got air ride n a whole bunch of shit on hiz car u think thats gay

AustinL911: air ride is cool...sometimes.

LiBtSk8: shaved in back bumpers

AustinL911: I don't like body kits...but to each his own

AustinL911: molded in* moron

LiBtSk8: ye

LiBtSk8: thats a lot sweeter than mucle mustangs

AustinL911: If it were me...I would not have put a body kit on it. hell...I wouldn't have bought it!

AustinL911: I'm gonna have to disagree

AustinL911: I prefer cars....not a god damn cereal box on wheels

LiBtSk8: ok honda civic hatchback with air ride h- 22 rims blitz is not sweeter than a fucking mustang

LiBtSk8: ur fucking retarted dude if thats what u think

AustinL911: why do you keep bringing up mustangs?

LiBtSk8: later u aint kewl

LiBtSk8: cuz there muscles

LiBtSk8 signed off at 6:02:06 PM.



I love egging these guys on. smile.gif Left his screen name on there incase you guys wanna play with him too. smile.gif

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LiBtSk8: so ur muscle cars lifting some weights are they

LiBtSk8: good make em heavy cuz ricers will burn da piss outta dem

AustinL911: huh?

LiBtSk8: u heard

AustinL911: good call on that one...

LiBtSk8: thanx

AustinL911: you really have no clue when it comes to cars do you?

AustinL911: take a lesson from your grandpa....he's got the right idea

LiBtSk8: my grandpa that fits in how

AustinL911: into older cars....

AustinL911: took a college degree to figure that one out considering he's got 3 of them.

LiBtSk8: my grandpa dont like muscle cars bub

AustinL911: the one that lived down the road from me....

LiBtSk8: yep

AustinL911: cause I could've sworn he had a few of them

LiBtSk8: naw he worked on them

AustinL911: had a '57 chevy....t-bird...and that newer gt

AustinL911: seems to like muscle to me

LiBtSk8: he restored the 57

LiBtSk8: and the mustang aint hiz

LiBtSk8: its hiz wifes

LiBtSk8: he dont like em

LiBtSk8: so stick that up ur muscle ass

AustinL911: haha....right

AustinL911: I bet if I were to ask him...he'd say otherwise

LiBtSk8: ask away

AustinL911: will do

AustinL911: next time I see him

LiBtSk8: i bet if u were to ask him what would win a b-18 crx or a cobra mustang

LiBtSk8: or a 5.0

AustinL911: I can imagine it now...him saying he prefers ricers to old muscle cars which he grew up around...

LiBtSk8: to win a race yep

AustinL911: you're fuckin joking...right?

LiBtSk8: it would b the smart choice

AustinL911: it would be a dumb choice

LiBtSk8: trans ams are ight cuz of speed but the look sucks

LiBtSk8: ricers are better looking than ne car

AustinL911: whatever

AustinL911: who do they look better to? the kids on the tinted window short bus?

LiBtSk8: ight u think fast and furious cars are sweet

AustinL911: not at all

LiBtSk8: ye those are the kids that drive the muscle cars

AustinL911: haven't we gone over this already?

AustinL911: but I bet they still kick the shit out of ricers....

LiBtSk8: naw actually this is the first time i have asked u bout fast and furious dumbfuck

LiBtSk8: i bet not

AustinL911: fast and the furious = rice....dumbfuck

AustinL911: which I've clearly stated....sucks

LiBtSk8: supercharged dell soll with 150 shot nos fuel injection cool air intake spells ass whoopin to ur piece of shit muscle

AustinL911: bring it

LiBtSk8: ye bitch

AustinL911: Mines totaled and I STILL wouldn't worry about losing that race.

LiBtSk8: what u bringing a camaro

LiBtSk8: lol

LiBtSk8: or a mudstain

LiBtSk8: lmao

AustinL911: a god damn bicycle....wouldn't take much more.

LiBtSk8 signed off at 6:57:17 PM.



No offense to the 4 banger guys....there are some cool ones out there.

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Let me translate that in case some of us don't speak "Dumbass ricer":


"We raced an automatic 94 V6 Mustang with two spark plug wires pulled off and fucking RAPED it in my buddy's Z24. No, wait. It was a Cobra. Yeah, that's it! He hit the spray on us and almost pulled even, but in true Fast & Furious style, I looked over and said "Smoke 'em", he pulled six downshifts and laid rubber while pulling away. Cars with V8s suck, dude... get with the program."

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LiBtSk8: supercharged dell soll with 150 shot nos fuel injection cool air intake spells ass whoopin to ur piece of shit muscle



HAHAHAHA! The only thing a car like that would do is blow a hole through the side of the block.... 150 shot of N2O on a 4 banger that already has enough stress on the block from the S/C would = complete destruction.... mwahahaha... that would be awsome!



That dude kept on bringing up B18 swaps...... I thought that was the shitty swap that only gained you a few HP? I don't know much about Hondas and don't really want to know honestly, but I'm pretty sure he's bragging about something that he shouldn't.

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Originally posted by Orion:

AustinL911: well...I like going fast....if I wanted to go slow....I'd buy a 4 cylinder...



wanna go for a ride? :D

"No offense to the 4 banger guys....there are some cool ones out there."


^^Guess which 4 banger I had on my mind when I made that last comment?^^ I'd rock a WRX, those things are sweet. and yes, I'd go for a ride.

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