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AWD Dyno

Guest StrtRcr09

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Guest StrtRcr09
Can someone tell me where I can find an AWD dyno? I've heard that there are 2 in Ohio, but I'm not sure where they are. Plus, if you can give me the price of what it would be to dyno the car, it be helpfull.
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  • 6 months later...

I heard someone in Dublin bought out Quantum, so they very well may have the dyno still, but that's all I know and just something I heard from someone. Very well may be true or untrue.


The other one is at Switzer Performance. The guy that started this place (Tym Switzer) was the Brains behind much of what happened to make Buschur Racing what it is today, but he has started his own shop. He has a very good reputation over on Columbus DSM and is friends (both in the business sense and the friendships sense) with a few people over there. He's offered some good advice and some good deals to the members over there. Seems like a standup guy from everything I've heard and seen. Only thing is he's two hours north of here. That's not bad though considering a few years ago you had to drive to Detroit or Chicago to find an AWD dyno. http://www.switzerperformanceinnovation.com/

His prices are right on the main page.


Good luck with whatever you are looking to get dynoed.

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did switzer finally get his dyno because i had an appointment there last thur. set up for tuning my sti and they really screwed me by not calling and telling me until last wed. late that they still did'nt have it. so i went to godspeed in novi michigan on tue. of this week and i'm glad i did because i probobly got a better tune anyway. i know switzer can tune dsm's really good but i don't know anyone that has had a subaru tuned there. just my 2 cents.
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They had a hardware failure with a module on the dyno. The new part arrived locally and should be installed by the middle of next week.


Tym's skills certainly aren't limited to DSMs. I am assuming you haven't seen the purple Suburu at his shop then? :D

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Originally posted by Mike C:

They had a hardware failure with a module on the dyno. The new part arrived locally and should be installed by the middle of next week.


Tym's skills certainly aren't limited to DSMs. I am assuming you haven't seen the purple Suburu at his shop then? :D

i seen it at norwalk but it dos'nt have a motor in it yet. i just don't know of anyone that has had a gt35r turbo on an sti or any wrx's period that he has tuned. he maybe has, but godspeed has tuned alot more subaru's. i have heard great things about switzer but it has allways been about dsm's.
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Originally posted by Rally Red Evo:

Also sounds like Buschur Racing (Wakeman, OH) is also getting a AWD dyno now. I haven't seen any timeline on it though.

Buschur is getting an AWD Mustang dyno and it should be up and running very soon. Some people love Mustang dynos and some people cry about them because they spit out lower numbers than Dynojets.
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