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Crash at MCIR

Guest Jonnygts

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Guest Jonnygts

I was at MCIR yesterday and there was this white Mustang that had a majpr crash. He ran like 10.24 at 129 then he hit a wall flew in the air, while his car was falling apart, then he took out a lamp pole, and ended up at least 20 feet off the track. I'm not sure but my friend asked the paramedics if he was allright and they said that he had some broken ribs and some other minor injuries, but if he survived thats amazing. Car looked like it was thrown in a trash compactor. The rear tires were like 3 feet from the front ones.


[ 17. May 2004, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: OPEC = GAYNESS ]

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I doubt anyone suing them will make them fix the track. They would just close it down. We have been trying to get them to fix the track since the early 90's. That place used to be the place to go. There were a lot of fast cars there and just about everyone was a regular. They are all gone now and they still have not taken the hint. It really is a shame because if he put some money in that place he could rake in the cash. Everyone would start going back.
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my dad's been close with bill and shelby since he moved to ohio and he's also good friends with aaron wright(he has a camaro that wheelstands pretty good and races there alot, he also helps them anytime they want to do something to try to make the track better) anyway, aaron said he talked bill into repaving the track from the 100ft out, but i've also heard they they are just going to fix the area after the finish. either way it should be a great improvement if they ever do it. (it was supposed to get done last week, but somebody didn't show up or something happened.
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They have been saying that they were going to do that for 12 years. I know Aaron also. Hopefully he was able to talk them in to doing something with that place. As I said before if they would actually invest the $ to fix it up then it would be a great place to race and also be a big $ maker for them. Lets see if they actually go through with it this time.
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Actually National Dragster, or Drag Review had an article from IHRA stating they are going to resurface and correct many problems with this track or it will loose IHRA backing. I hope it happens, back in the day it was a big track.
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Guest Jonnygts
Yeah, I hope that happens too cause I am not going back there anytime soon. If they do fix it up, I will go back again. Their loss, not mine.
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it is just what i've heard, but as far as i know they are going to repave at least after the finish if not from the 100ft out. i really hope they do it too. if they lose their IHRA backing bill will probably just wave bye bye and close it down
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Guest monkey4sale321
I was at the MCIR friday too! Yeah from what i've been hearing, the guy broke his shoulder and is alright. and I wish i could vid or pics but i didnt, but i hope that guy was safe
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Well it is about time. I really used to love going to Marion back in the day but it is just downright dangerous now. It is a shame that Bill and Kathy dont care enough about the people that race there to have already fixed it. It took IHRA backing out on them to actually get some results and make sure people had a safe place to race.
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