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Wax vs Touchfree carwash soap


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Mainly toward AudiOn19s but anyone with info I'd appreciate.


So I finally finally finally got a chance semi-decently by hand wash and wax the CTS-V this weekend and slathered a nice thick coat of Meguiars Gold class (non carnuba synthetic) on there (I had it in the garage already).


My question is - I get gas at a place that has a new touch free car wash and I like to just send the car thru there once a week when I fill up. I don't even remotely have the time to wash the car by hand every week, and being black it IS going to get washed - so the question is:


How long can I reasonably expect that Meguiars wax to hold up? ~1 wash, ~10 washes, ~50 washes?


Just trying to figure my wash to wax ratio.

I'd also like to go Zaino or Rejex or NXT next go round, so consider the same question for those.

Or any good non-carnuba hand applied wax in general:


Wax vs Car Wash soap - how long?

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If it's Meguiars gold class wax you put on.. and you wash it, it'll be gone within 1-2 washes.


Now, if you went with Zaino, it will hold up for a really good amount of time. I waxed mine last fall. It just started losing it's beadiness (is that a word?) the last few weeks. And that was all the way through winter too.


I've had a bad rap for Gold class. It only lasts about one car wash and it was gone.


My .02.

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How many washes did the Zaino go thru over the winter? I'm not so worried about sun/weather/elements resistance over time vs carwash resistance - as our cars never go much longer than a week or so between washes (unless we get an unusually long sunny period).


Oh - BTW - that "Mr Clean SpotFree Rinse" system you see on TV? THAT THING ACTUALLY WORKS. Black car - direct sunlight, wetted car, washed car, rinsed it off, no drying, not one spot.


So nice to see something that really works as advertised. So that and Nightquil makes exactly two products that work as advertised.

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Not sure about the Zaino in the winter. I didn't wash my car that much (too cold).. and I hate taking it through car washes.


But, I slapped two coats of Zaino on last Spring. Used the Zaino car wash, washed it every week from like April to Octoberish, and it beaded up every time. Never had to re-apply it. I'd say it works smile.gif .


If you do put Zaino on it, I'd get the Zaino car wash as well. Little 16 oz bottle (or so) lasted all Spring/Summer long.

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Wow...I sure am slow this morning huh!!!...


In general...the Gold Class stuff you put on there will probably only last a couple of times through the high pressure wash...maybe not even that depending on the chemicals used in that wash. Some of those places use a pretty strong pre cleaner in order to get the best results which works great at removing dirt but also works great at removing wax from the surface of the car. Polymers like Zaino will last longer but again running through an automated high pressure wash will greatly reduce longevity of any product simply because of the chemicals used and pressure used.


There's many more things to consider as well when looking at longevity...half of the reason Zaino users get soo much longevity out of Zaino is they put 5-6 layers on the paint at the start of the season and always hand wash...it goes a long way in helping the product last longer.


Realistically I'd say be prepared to wax the car once a month for proper protection if you're running it through an automated wash every week. If you take the time to do the entire Zaino Process on the car you might get 2-3 months...beading in the rain is the best way to tell how much surface tension (protection) remains.


As for the Rejex...never used it but heard great things...as for NXT don't even bother as you'll get more durability out of the gold class that you've already got, it's really that disappointing.


If I missed anything or can help out more feel free to keep the questions coming...




p.s. I offer wash packages too!!!

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As I ponder your question more...do you have time to fully dry and quick detail (with a spray) your car after running it through the wash...maybe a 15 minute deal at best?...if so I may have your solution. I've been using a new product that is a spray sealant. It's made by a company called Optimum and literally is a sealant (like Klasse and Zaino) that is applied like a Quick Detailer. Spray on the surface and rub in like a Quick detailer...no hazing and removing, no wait time at all. I Did a 5 week test on the Audi and was still getting beading after 4 weeks of washing (I hand wash that damn thing like 3 times a week) with nothing else on the surface. I eventually got bored and have since moved on to other things on there but I still use this stuff like it's going out of style for upkeep inbetween full details. I think that it might work great as a stand alone product for you. It cannot be used exactly like a QD though...if there's dust or anything on the surface it will clump all of the dust up and leave deposits...but if you're using it right after a wash it could be exactly what you need. Then even if the high pressure wash blows all off the protection off of the paint you're immediatly reapplying protection to your car.


Here's a link to it.



while you're there do yourself a favor and pick up a waffle Weave drying towel and a nice plush microfiber cloth to use with the Optimum....your CTS-V will thank you.






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Z-6 is a pure QD...not additional protection just gloss enhancers. It's great to use on something that's a couple days old and dusty and needs to be spruced up without a complete wash or just as a gloss enhancer after a wash. Optimum is literally like Z2...but applied like Z6 detail spray. It provides UV protection, and a synthetic protection to the car and has great longevity for a spray...now it still won't give you durability like a true sealant that's applied to the surface left to haze then removed...but from what I've seen it's a great short term alternative.


If you're a Zaino user...Sal just release Z-8 last week...it's very close to the Optimum stuff in that it actually has polymers in it that provide protection and will make your origional Zaino applicaiton last longer (is there really a need to make zaino last longer?). YOu're probably better off using Z-8 than Optimum as Optimum has a small caranuba content in it which would cause bonding issues if you tried to layer Zaino on top of it down the road.



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I'd have to guess 4-5. She didn't wash it that many times. It's not completely gone yet either. The biggest hit the polish would take would be the salt water anyway. I'll have to put a coat on this week.


Originally posted by Mowgli:

How many automatic carwash visits did it survive?


(Not really worried about longevity vs time and elements, as my car will never sit very long in between washes. Automatic washes, to be clear.)

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Oh - BTW - that "Mr Clean SpotFree Rinse" system you see on TV? THAT THING ACTUALLY WORKS. Black car - direct sunlight, wetted car, washed car, rinsed it off, no drying, not one spot.

Thought I'd comment that I agree. My g/f got me this kit as part of my birthday present last month. I've used it on the Moostang a couple times, and it has worked well. That, and not using a bucket is always a plus in my book. Though it says to only use their soap, I'm curious as to how it will work w/ different soap once their runs out.
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Guest ERock
i also agree with the mr clean autodry working. My experience though is it must be used exactly as directed or you will get a couple spots. you cant miss anywhere with the soap.
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I put 1 layer of Meguires Gold liquid glass on the stang and after 1 trip through an automatic car wash with "The Works" wash it is still on there. But by guessing at its beading effect, I would say it will need another application after the next trip. This time I will try multiple layers. I must say I am pleased with the appearance of this wax. I will also make not that this particular wash is a touchless wash and not one with "brushes" and such. I think that maybe getting the standard wash at this particular one (Corner of Roberts and Hilliard-Rome in Hilliard) instead of the works may have less pre-wash application so I will try that too.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Update: Ok I know its been like 3 weeks but I said I would do this. After putting on that first coat of wax I got 3 washes out of it. But after the third wash the bead effect was nearly gone. Now considering that my car spends most of its time in the garage I would figure on waxing after 2 washes with one coat of wax. I put on two coats this time: one with a small buffer and one by hand. The hand application was very thorough so I would guess only improvement. Also I actually read what comes with those touchless washes and, at least where I go, it seems like the middle wash is the way to go. The high grade has a "triple super polish", yeah, I think I will pass. What I need now is a good polish or clear coat cleaner.
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Originally posted by Mowgli:

Oh - BTW - that "Mr Clean SpotFree Rinse" system you see on TV? THAT THING ACTUALLY WORKS. Black car - direct sunlight, wetted car, washed car, rinsed it off, no drying, not one spot.


So nice to see something that really works as advertised. So that and Nightquil makes exactly two products that work as advertised.

You are effectively adding "JET-DRY" to your wash and/or rinse water.


In case you didnt know, it is used in dishwashers for that spot free shine. ;) Use the liquid, not the tablets.

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The system seems to use a two stage charcoal filter to decontaminate and ionize the water. You do not add any solution to the gun other than the soap, but there could be a tablet of some sort disolving in the filter cartridge softening the water.


Regardless, it works.

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