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Sold the wing on ebay for 260$I am glad to see all of the bitchs can come with their" uhh, uhhh, uhh i uhh whatever." also to see i joined one of the weakest forums ever. I had the car for only 10 days before i went to trails, and its an automatic.AT least i come with fresh takes, new ideas and i dont have people race my car! Dont worry, looking to put plenty of bolt-ons to hopefully run l2's.
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Originally posted by 98dirtybird:

Sold the wing on ebay for 260$I am glad to see all of the bitchs can come with their" uhh, uhhh, uhh i uhh whatever." also to see i joined one of the weakest forums ever. I had the car for only 10 days before i went to trails, and its an automatic.AT least i come with fresh takes, new ideas and i dont have people race my car! Dont worry, looking to put plenty of bolt-ons to hopefully run l2's.

If you don't like the board then stop posting on it. It's a very simple concept. I hope you're not refering to me when you talk about people racing others cars, what do you care in the first place? I race it myself and don't talk shit about people just because other people are making fun of you, thats not how to make friends. Now you have probably one of the only people who felt bad that you were getting so much shit not really feeling bad anymore. graemlins/thumb.gif
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Originally posted by 98dirtybird:

Sold the wing on ebay for 260$I am glad to see all of the bitchs can come with their" uhh, uhhh, uhh i uhh whatever." also to see i joined one of the weakest forums ever. I had the car for only 10 days before i went to trails, and its an automatic.AT least i come with fresh takes, new ideas and i dont have people race my car! Dont worry, looking to put plenty of bolt-ons to hopefully run l2's.

Thought I saw you driving a WRX? I was kinda hoping that you'd burned that T/A to the ground. Oh, and being an automatic isn't an excuse. They're right on par with the 6 speeds.
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Originally posted by Republicant:

.... You're 4 and a half feet tall.

Knocking on someone's stature isn't right, It's something we have no control over, making fun of somones physical attributes? what a big man you are. This should be as unacceptable as racial slurs.
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Guest Harris92
Originally posted by Shrek:

Knocking on someone's stature isn't right, It's something we have no control over, making fun of somones physical attributes? what a big man you are. This should be as unacceptable as racial slurs.

I totally agree, very well said. Although I dont think Jon, was being totally serious. Sounded like he was just fuckin around. 98dirtybird, your attitude sucks. If you dont like the board, then please get the hell off so none of us have to lisen to your bullshit. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
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