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opinions: who in town does quality exhaust installations?


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Looking to put a Corsa on the V here while my wife's off visiting inlaws in June... heh...


Who in town does quality installation work and maybe has some experience with Corsa exhausts?


The Corsa part is a GM certified part for the V so theoretically I could have the nearest Caddy dealer do it, but, after two trips there for minor things and neither time they were able to give me back my car without dirtying or scratching something, I won't be giving them this job.


I'm happy to pay for a good shop. In other words I'm not looking for a good deal - I'm looking for a topnotch tech and shop, one who'll treat my car like its their's - which means anal-retentive level attention to detail, and zero tolerance for fucking up. The car doesn't sit outside. The appointment made is when it gets done (not later in the day, or the next day, or the next...). No "creative" mountings. No guestimate torque tightening. Etc.


Actually, I'm looking to order the exhaust and hopefully just have it shipped to the installer and then schedule a date. I'll be keeping the stock unit as well. I could do it myself but I don't have: the garage space, a real way to lift the car beyond my jackstands, a decent dolly and actually I have no way to lower and raise the exhaust.


And the last time I took shortcuts in an exhaust install I did myself, it landed me in the hospital for 9 days with monoxide poisoning. Gotta love those 72 Cutlas Supersports....


Plus I *might* want to drop the tranny to install a uuc shifter... maybe.



Doesn't even have to be an "official" auto or speed shop, though I'd prefer one.


Any recommendations are appreciated.


(BTW - I'm thinking about going to Chesrown out in Newark. They've got a good rep on the V boards.)


thx in advance

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Guest racinbird

Those Corsa are easy straight fitting systems for the CTS-v's. We have a done 4 or 5 at our dealership, bolt right up with no problems. You shouldn't have any trouble getting a good install.


FWIW which caddy dealer did you go to?

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Originally posted by Boost-n-Juice:

Why not do it yourself? Or are ya too pretty? tongue.gif

Originally posted by Mowgli:

I could do it myself but I don't have: the garage space, a real way to lift the car beyond my jackstands, a decent dolly and actually I have no way to lower and raise the exhaust.

Eagle Muffler, eh?
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Originally posted by buckeye:

Again +1 for Eagle



Buck you and I should get a discount. We suggest mark at least twice a month, I just sent my buddies Duster there

I'm there at least once every 3 months getting something done on my car. He's done everything from the DP to the tips.


I sort of get a discount. On certain things when I go there he doesn't charge that much. I had him change the exhuast donut on the Buick and he only charged me a few bucks.. even though it was a PITA to get in and was there for at least an hour..

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Guest wesxprs
Dude at Eagle is cool and does good work. Welded my exhaust for me and cut me a great deal. Hopefully he can do a custom exhaust for my Suburban when I get some cash.
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Originally posted by racinbird:

FWIW which caddy dealer did you go to?

I don't want to mention names, as I'm still going to go there for warranty work. I'll just say they are close to me. And maybe they have a good shop, but so far they are 0-2 on getting minor stuff done on my car without some issue.
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