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Coworker purchased riced Prelude, anyone know previous owner??


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Originally posted by The Great Milenko:

Was that really an opinion ?

If your gonna be a dick, at least type something...


And how many of you "Vets" post +1 all day long. But that's ok. Double standards rock!
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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

And how many of you "Vets" post +1 all day long. But that's ok. Double standards rock!

Why havent you been banned yet? Taylor (Gonzo.. he really is an alright kid in person) posted something horribly vague and possibly irrelavant, and he got bitched at for it. You yourself haven't posted a single constructive statement in the six months that I've been on here. Every single one of your posts has been some whiney, bitchy liberal remark about how us "vets" are assholes. If you don't like it, then leave (slowly, in your celica). graemlins/slap.gif
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Originally posted by Bananular:

Why havent you been banned yet? Taylor (Gonzo.. he really is an alright kid in person) posted something horribly vague and possibly irrelavant, and he got bitched at for it. You yourself haven't posted a single constructive statement in the six months that I've been on here. Every single one of your posts has been some whiney, bitchy liberal remark about how us "vets" are assholes. If you don't like it, then leave (slowly, in your celica). graemlins/slap.gif

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hey Joe just out of curiosity did you talk to this guy at all? Is he a tool or something? maybe he just bought the car cause it has a blower on it, doesn't like all the other ghey ass shit thats done to it, but is afraid to take it off becuase he doesn't know shit about cars and doesn't want to fuck up his ride. just playing devils advocate here. why dontcha ask him if you can help him make his car faster and then pop off the 4 or 500 extra pounds of bodykit and wing he'll appreciate the difference
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Originally posted by Bananular:

Why havent you been banned yet? Taylor (Gonzo.. he really is an alright kid in person) posted something horribly vague and possibly irrelavant, and he got bitched at for it. You yourself haven't posted a single constructive statement in the six months that I've been on here. Every single one of your posts has been some whiney, bitchy liberal remark about how us "vets" are assholes. If you don't like it, then leave (slowly, in your celica). graemlins/slap.gif

Oh, but nobody else here makes irrelavant posts, EVER.


Let's get one thing straight, I never attacked anyone. I post my opinion of Blowzilla's response to Gonzo, now I'm the one being attacked. Why is that?


I haven't done anything to warrant being banned. If not seeing eye to eye with "the in crowd" is grounds for banning, then ban me.


Is it because I posted possible reasons why you guys get disrepected nearly everywhere you try to meet? Looks like my theory is right about the attitude's of SOME of the people here.


It wouldn't be the first time someone was banned for not going along with everything the "in crowd" says.


And where the hell did you pull liberal from? I suppose if you're going to put words in my mouth, you might as well slap false labels on me too. Why not? I drive an import.


Originally posted by The Great Milenko:



Slowcica is quite for a while..but I guess the possible bashing of a fellow ricer may have brought him out from hiding.


Oops..did I say the R word?


OH SHIT! DAMN, YOU GOT ME GOOD!! With that kind of sense of humor and level of sarcastic ability, why aren't you out touring the comedy clubs of this country. DUDE! You could be making hundreds of thousands of dollars!


Wow, I'm a ricer huh. Like it's not common knowledge. I've acknowledged that fact many times over on this board. Yup, I have foot well neons, underbody neons, loud obnoxious exhaust, an automatic, and an all around slow car. Happy now?


No, it's quite obvious that rules don't apply to senior members. I point that out, and I get attacked. I wasn't turning anything into an issue, but apparently every time I post, it's grounds for an attack.


Well, moderator's, they're calling for a banning of me. I've done nothing to warrant banning, but hey, it's not my decision. Have at it.

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