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QSL Shefftucky 6/12 - Who's goin'?


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So who's in for a ride up there tonight? Finally back on the bike and have it all together, so I am headed up. I am gussing r1crusher will be there since he was all about hacking off my cast last weekend. Anyone else?

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I am gonna swing back to the house before I go there becuase the new lever is supposed to be there. Gonna slap that on and head up. Am I coming to pick you up or will you laready be there?

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I'm thinking about it. The talent there usually disappoints me, and I'd much rather be riding than posing. We'll see. I'll have the ride cleaned up and ready to go. We gonna meet somewhere and ride in like l33t biker boyz we are, or ride in solo like the losers we are?

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I don't get away from the office until 6, and need to swing by the hizzle, so I will be rolling that way around 7. If we wanna hook up somewhere before hand and roll in like a posse, then someone pick a centrally located spot.

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After 7 works for me. Kev, you probably will be done way before 7. RVT, Which route do you usually take to get to QSL? Seems like you would probably be passing it to meet us. Elyria Mall? Diamonds strip club in the flats? What sounds good?!? LOL

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Just so you know....I don't pay for shit I can get for free (referring to the stip club). That's why RVT is my biatch!

But, I'll be home before any of you knuckleheads are ready. RVT is in N.R. but he should be able to meet us at da mall if that's good for most (i.e. us 3 idiots since JRM can't grow a set and skip that class).

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Inya, I'm in N. Ridgetucky off of 83 north of Ctr Ridge. 10 minuts form The Lube. r1 will beon the other side of the Lube from us, but I am all for riding around if for no other reason thatn to ride around. If you want, I can skip thru some back roads and meet you at The Prominade in Westlake if you're coming by there, and then we can go find Kev.

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Inya, I'm in N. Ridgetucky off of 83 north of Ctr Ridge. 10 minuts form The Lube. r1 will beon the other side of the Lube from us, but I am all for riding around if for no other reason thatn to ride around. If you want, I can skip thru some back roads and meet you at The Prominade in Westlake if you're coming by there, and then we can go find Kev.

I'm in Strongsville right now, but I actually live in Lorain, so I'm coming from the other side on the Lube. Actually we're kinda coming from 3 different directions.

I'm up for anything. I wouldn't mind putting a few miles on before parking it at QSL. I won't be staying there for too long anyways.

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