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Wow, more people from Mansfield than I anticipated. Glad to see some made it out of the vacuum. haha I lived in Canal Winchester and Groveport for awhile but came back up north.

JRMM - Sorry I kinda disappeared there, had to take off for work. I know who you are. Never had beef with you (not like I would care at this point anyways), think we actually played paintball a couple times back in the day. I didn't associate too much with the Ontario crowd though.

Oh, and thnx for the warm reception. Keep spreading the :honda: love!

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NBD dude... I was actually heading off to meetings myself. I never played paintball with anyone, you may've played against my brother or the Mabry clan if you played with anyone from Ontario.

I don't blame you, a lot of the OHS kids are stuck up assholes. I don't go back 'home' often if I can avoid it.

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Yeah used to play over at Orweiler's and Mabry's at times back then. I could have sworn you came out one time that we brought some rentals for others who didn't normally play. *shrug* I was never accused of having the best memory. haha :D

Trust me, you're not missing much by not coming back around, although you obviously already know this. I only associate maybe with like 2-4 people from OHS which were old friends, only one of them was from my class. Don't think I could possibly care any less if I ever saw anyone else from there again.

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