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Bogus Ticket, and I'm under 18

El Karacho1647545492

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Last night (friday) myself and 3 friends were on our way to Mitch Hedberg on 270N right before Hamilton. As I swerved into the left lane to avoid someone cutting me off from the right lane, a Franklin Co. Sheriff turned on his headlights + spotlight. Thinking it was high beams from oncoming traffic, I was completely blinded and hit the brakes and went back to the right (I had to go back home to get something). As I got over to the exit ramp, the cop flicks on his flashers and pulls me over. Apparently I was doing 80 in the 65. I exercised my right to see the radar, and he showed me how the tracker works etc. (It is one that is dash-mounted and monitors speed from all cars).

There are a couple problems with this ticket that I recieved. First of all, my dad's 530 (the car that I was driving at the time) has a speed warning that he has set to emit a loud "PING" if speeds reach 80 MPH. This PING was never emitted. Secondly, the cop said that when he locked onto my car, the speed supposedly only dropped to 78 MPH. There is no way this happened, because I slammed on the brakes when I was blinded by the lights.


I am fighting this ticket because I've generally been a VERY cautious driver since my first ticket in July. I have a few questions


Will this argument stand up in court if I have a signed statement of all 4 people in the car, including myself?


Is there any inherent flaw in the tracking system of the particular speed tracking device, and would it contribute to a flaw in my ticketing?


On a related subject, could this tracking device possibly track another vehicle then mistake me for that vehicle?



EDIT: Disregard the comment in my sig, this is for real.

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Originally posted by Avenger:

It sounds like he got you BEFORE he turned his lights on. Why would he fire up the flashers if he hadn't gotten you already? You were zapped before you even hit the brakes.

I explained already though, if I had been going 80 (which his radar said) the speed sensor in the car would have let me know with the warning sound.


Regardless, I was in the middle lane in moderate traffic, and then swerved in the left lane to avoid an accident, THEN he put on his spotlight and headlamps, but no flashers. There was a car ahead of me before anyone cut me off, and I know I wasn't doing 80 in moderate traffic in the middle lane, because people were passing me on the left.

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