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Body shop needed.


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Well, looks like my insurance company will let me go to ANY body shop smile.gif . I know that some people on here work at body shops.


I guess the adjuster is going to come out tomorrow and do an estimate. Then I take it to a shop, they estimate it, then the insurance company cuts me a check. ?


Anyways, Here's the pics if anyone wants to do a quickie smile.gif . http://bucky.kicks-ass.net/pics/wintersucks


I know the rear window, power antenna, trunk is scratched, and there's a dent in the rear pillar from where the branch hit it.

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As for your question about how the process works. As soon as the adjuster comes out and does the estimate they will cut and mail you a check for the amount he thinks it will cost. Don't let that determine your repair quality or place of repair because thats just the insurance company hoping for there best. It will likely cost more, but they hope that by giving you a check and you depositing it it becomes your problem of whether or not you actually get it fixed. Best thing to do is take there check and sign it over to the body shop and then let them bill the insurance company for any additional costs.



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Well, I drove the car (F'N COLD! with no rear window ;) ) to IPS today. Jeff looked over the damage and will give me an estimate tomorrow. The adjuster is coming tomorrow and I'm going to point out just about everything that the limb did. We'll see what happens tomorrow.


So far it's the rear window w/ defroster, dent in the rear pillar, power antenna, scratches on the rear 1/4 panel and trunk. Rear speakers are shot too.


This'll be fun.


And on top of it, Enterprise don't have any fucking cars to get until tomorrow afternoon :( .. bastards.

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