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My little project


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i was wanting to get a crash cage for the bike.. and they are like $275. so being bored at worked i started to fab up my own.. took some measurements at home, and did some thinking at the shop.. and heres how its going so far. i got my pieces cut and some drilled, jsut ahd to bring them home to get some finally measurments and such.


here are my pieces im using one is not cut or drilled yet. the longer piece. http://flathat.woodstream.net/ColumbusRacing/Northwood/hoblick/crashcage/1.JPG


this piece bolts to the frame where the engine mounts near the gas tank. it will serve as a mounting point, and an extension.



this piece will attach to it and hold my crash bar. (the bar will be able to be removed if needed)



this is the other end location where the bar would connect to. it is the basically the same as the 2nd picture.. it will also have an extension to which the bar wil bolt on to. this is another engine to frame mounting point though it is newar the belly of the bike.



And this is how the bar will be mounted. this will protect the engine case and fairings if the bike falls over.



all pieces will be painted or polished. not sure yet. but it is progressing nicely.

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Once its polished to a bling i think its a nice addition to the bike. Will it be in your way at all with it sticking out from the bike? I dont know a shit load about bikes but dont they sell those peg looking things that do the same thing basically? I think i remember seeing one at Hinds last year with them already on it.
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