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wrecked yet again


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Originally posted by stunta906:

In my opinion, its easier to wheely a street bike, I raced mx for 5 five yrs, balance point is balance point, i think you can transfer it to a streetbike... its not the same but if you can scrap on a dirt or enduro you can scrap a sport bike all day...and it dont hurt as bad when you wreck it either smile.gif

Well, like I said, I don't know alot about stunting. Biggest thing I ever did was a few jumps on a CR600. That and riding am old RM500, which in my opinion is extreem just going across an empty corn field. Mind you it had just been rebuilt and would pull the front wheel in 3rd gear while throwing a 30 foot rooster tail.

Hell the only wheelie I even did on the street was unexpected and it was the result of a throttle sticking on the RD350 I had.

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