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Honestly WTF


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What the fuck? What kinda person throws an entire subway meal out of their window on the freeway, with a bike passing them. It's bad enough I have to watch for cars hitting me, now I have to be aware of flying Hoggies as well!? I just cleaned my bike last night too. There is a tomato in my ram air scoop :(
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I gave him the finger, got two fingers in return. I was going to fllow him off the freeway and talk to the bastard, but he went 270N and I needed 270S to go to work (was already late). It looks like I picked my bike out fo the trash, I am going to clean it on break here in a few.
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Originally posted by DragKnee66:

wouldnt you have loved to get next to it, and KICKED the hell out of the door!! you would have put a huge dent in it!

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Guest 420GSXR1000

i agree with all KICK THE FING DOOR and twist!!!!


...then .....c'ya...


GSRCHIC!!!!! what you doin in here???? Did i bring you to the dark (opps)...BIKE side of it all??? just thought id ask...never seen ya post in here smile.gif



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you got your bike fixed


i would have been so made.


i had an incident with somebody that was tailgating me in heavy trafic, he pulled up to the side of me when i flashed the brakes on him on a fwe times and looked at me all pissed, me getting pissed motioned that i was going to kick in his door, he started to swarve at me. i got some change out of my pocket and was ready to throw it at him, but by the i got it out he had some distance apart and my temper calmed.


i hate people like that.

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