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Des, It turns over, but it just wont start. I replaced the plugs, the air filter is clean, and it's got a full tank, but it wont start. I wish I could fix it myself, but I'm about to just have it towed to Classic cycles. I've had this thing torn apart more times than I could wish to count. I think, and the manual backs this up, that it's because the carbs need a full maintenance, and I have neither the tools nor the ability to perform this. Also, Classic gave me a helluva price (half off!) on this, so I think that's the route I'll take.
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OK, I will get Josh done first. The intermediate circuits in the carbs are plugged, the bike is starving for fuel the "secondaries" are opening and the bike roars to life. Basically you have dirt in the carbs. They need to be pulled and cleaned,and possibly rebuilt.


Streetlight, you have a bit more of a problem. First thing to do is unless you had an empty tank this spring or put stablizer in the gas, you probably have similar problems with gunk in the carbs, but yours is worse. First thing it to drain the carbs. There are screws on the bottom of the flost bowels on the carbs. If you loosen them the gas in the carbs will run out. If it doesn't, turn on the fuel and see if it does. If not you have one of three things wrong. First is that the carbs are really gunked up. Second is that the fuel filter in the petcock (on/off valve) for the fuel is clogged. Third is that the fuel line is plugged. What kind of bike is it. And if you want me to look at it. PM me, I don't know what Classic cycle wants to fix it. But I bet I can do it cheaper.

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