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Computer monitor displaying green instead of red...


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This has to be by far the weirdest thing I personally have ever experienced with a computer. Everything that is supposed to display red has a dark green tint to it. Everything from the "X" in the "stop" button in the IE toolbar to the outside of the "X" to close an IE window to my taillights in any picture to Sam's car in any of the pictures to Kurt Angle's outfit in a video to the menu screen on a game I'm playing. I've toyed with the colors in the monitor control (little knob at the bottom of the monitor), I've tried restarting my computer, and a friend of mine told me to check near the cpu for magnets, which there are none. I have no idea why or how this happened. Over this past weekend, my mom and I moved into a condo. I moved the computer myself (which I've done many times to LAN with a buddy) and not it's like this. Anything simple I can look for/try, or is it time for a new monitor/videocard?
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