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Is there anyone else on this board that enjoys music while they ride, but has an issue with earphones, or helmet speakers?

This was a big problem for me, so I decided to solve it...

went on ebay, found a set of speakers, a little 100 watt amp, and a remote (full kit for $85)

At first I tried mounting the speakers to the handlebars...

they fit okay, and sounded good, but they blocked the speedometer, odometer, and tachometer, so i didn't like that...

I ended up pulling the tops of the mushrooms off, and bolting them on there....


I mounted the remote switch (on/off/volume) on the right side


Amp fit in a nice little cubby hole under the seat...


cable routing was a snap, and the speakers clear the bars at full left and right turns. They sound good (so far) since it's 3 am, i didn't take it for a test ride to see how they sound in the helmet at speed, but it was loud enough in the garage to piss off the neigbors across the street...so i think i'll have plenty of volume out on the road...

I now have the noisiest frame sliders on the board...

I should change my vanity plate to "Go DJ" or "Hey Dj"

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I'd love to have some tunes while I ride, but motorcycling is a pretty spartan thing... you start adding gizmos on to your bike here there and everywhere, you might as well get a Goldwing. JMHO.

I wonder how those would hold up as frame sliders?

And, I want to know, what kind of problems have you had with earphones or helmet speakers? What brands have you tried? I've been looking around for some, but if you've got bad reviews, I'd like to know what the major disadvantage is.

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justin, I've tried a few brands of earplug style headphones. My biggest problem was with the wires catching, and pulling on my ears...trying to get some that fit IN my ears, and the distaste I have for earphones in the first place. Always been more of a giant ugly headphone guy...

Honestly, they aren't going to work too great for frame sliders, but i thought it was funny...

I agree it is a bit golwing-ish, but compared to some other 'bird owners, it's mild.

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Ummm, WOW :wtf:

Please tell me that you didn't screw those things into perfectly good Blackbird plastics.

Are those supposed to sound good...with a helmet on...at anything over 20mph?

Why not just helmet speakers with a mute button?

On another subject, let see that vehicle behind the bike.

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I'm not gonna lie to 'ya Duane......That's too purty a bike to fugly it up with those speakers :slap:

Check out these earbuds I was tellin' you guys about yesterday. Koss Sparkplugs with etymotic tips. They stay in my ears really well, and sound quality is more than decent for the price..........



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Ummm, WOW :wtf:

Please tell me that you didn't screw those things into perfectly good Blackbird plastics.

nope, just pulled the "caps" off the shrooms, 100% reverseable

Are those supposed to sound good...with a helmet on...at anything over 20mph?

tested them today, sound good up to about 55..

Why not just helmet speakers with a mute button?

if i can't boost the power to where it sounds good at 70, i probably will work out something else...

On another subject, let see that vehicle behind the bike.

Which one? the dune buggy, or the go-cart?

dune buggy isn't ready yet, i still have to paint it, balance the front wheels, install a passenger seat, replace the clutch cable, and possibly the transmission

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