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Computer is being REALLY gay...


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Up until recently, my computer has run perfect. Even now, is runs good until I get a few things going (IE, Kazaa, a folder open, WMP playing songs). Usually, this should be no problem at all. However, I'll have this stuff open, then try to open a new window or something, and it'll either A) Not load the page or B) Load the page, but takes like 45 seconds or so. When one page messes up like this, it seems almost nothing will work. I'll try to open another folder, and it will either A) Open, but be totally blank besides the toolbar at the top, or B) Won't open at all. Same thing goes for links posted on here that I try to go to, etc. It's starting to get REALLY annoying. Any ideas. Computer is Athlon 2000 with Windows XP home, 256DDR Ram, Road Runner, etc. I'm just wondering if it's just like a spaz attack or if Road Runner is having problems or something. It usually works it self out like a few minutes later, but then it happens sometime later. Just pissing me off. Any ideas?
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Originally posted by REPO-st Man:

I have Thursday and Friday off. Let me know what works better for you.

I'll take a look at it. [/QB]

be prepared to NOT have a PC when you're done with it.


Hell, he may even turn it into a Gaylo server. :D

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