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GRRRRRR trunk latches

Guest nevarmore

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Guest nevarmore



this is on yon' buick. 87 park avenue type R etc etc.


packing the car. shut the trunk, the motorized pull down kicks in and does not latch and comes back up. so we then clear some shit out of the trunnk thinking its jamming or not closing. no effect. we sit on it (my 150 lbs + my brothers 240lbs), no effect. so 40 minutes later when we're wayy behind schedule i slam the muthafugga down and SNAP. the motorized pull down shears its PLASTIC :mad: mounting bracket off of the bolts holing it to the car. yes, GM used a piece of CLEAR (clear plastic = weak plastic) on the TRUNK CATCH. as if they assumed that no one would ever be violently and forcefully slamming a trunk lid shut to fit the damned luggage in so they can fucking leave. every other fucking partt of that assembly was steel, thick, welded, steel, but not this one PIECE OF SHIT FUCKING PLASTIC THAT SOME FUCKING ENGINEER PUT ON A DAMMNED PART OF THE CAR THAT WAS GOING TO GET BEATEN ON.


at this point i snap and proceed to beat the shit out of this effing piece of plastic and gimpy ass old-man motorized trunk pull down system destroying it and all hope of a simple epoxy repair job.


NONE of the local auto parts stores have even a generic bolt on no-motor trunk latch. so on go the bungees, and off to grandmas house we go.


im back in cols and black bird and i will be fiddling with this tomorrow (saturday). what i need:


a) the best junkyard in town where i could buy a replacement motorized pull down


b) a set of LOCKING hood pins

would this:


combined with this:




c) a generic trunk latch that black bird can weld in


plan d is to just get a damned latch from home depot and a good all weather lock and bolt that fucker in there, but id rather not do something that nasty even to the buick.


oh excuse me if i rambled. we stopped at a gas station that sold Jolt on the way home and im a teensy bit wired at the moment, weeeeee!!

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