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Fried dsm tranny?


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A friend of mine drives a 97-98 eclipse RS. It has 1xx,xxx miles on it, i'm not sure how many. Well, his tranny isn't working. 1st and reverse don't work at all, and he says he needs to shift at low RPM's and gently into the remaining gears. Is his tranny fried? Maybe his clutch? Maybe the tranny is just low of fluid? I think he told me a while ago that it was leaking.

Any way, it wouldn't suprise me if he fried his tranny. He drives like a moron. He's had the car for a couple of months, and he completely rags on it.

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Hard to say, but it is a DSM after all ;) Try bleeding the clutch line and making sure it's adjusted properly (above the clutch pedal, under the dash). If still no luck, then it's probably the clutch itself or the tranny.



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My guesses are iether it's they synchros or the bushings on the tranny side are going bad off the shift cables (they do that sometimes)


and although we like to think as the average 2g's as being dsms, they really are not, 1ger's are just nice enough to let us into the club. As far as the history of the DSM page is concerned there is WAY too much wrong with that page for me to even get into right now. I will say this: there has never been a 420a motor in a true dsm. the 1g's had non turbo 4g63's which, other than the lack of knock sensor and higher compression pistons and oil squirters, they were essentially the same motors as the turbo ones. the 420a was a chrysler built motor and never appeared in a mitsu car other than the 2gs. even the 2g 4g63's had more chrysler in them than mitsu which lead to other problems.

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