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Guest blkcivic

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Guest 96 cobra 'vert
I believe that it means that your computer can't send the data to the CD burner in time to keep up with the burning process. Try slowing down your burn speed maybe? I haven't had this, but I have a 4x and an 8x burner...
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Guest Harbinger

If a bufferunderrun occurs, then the CD Writer has not received the data quickly enough. One or several of the following 4 points is the cause in this case:


The source is too slow, e.g. if data is being transferred from a network, a floppy or from exchangeable data carriers.

The connection between source and the system is

too slow, i.e. if the source drive is connected to the parallel port and this is only being run in SPP mode or


is blocked at times by the connection being used by another device so that a constant flow of data is not possible.


The PC is too busy to process the incoming data, e.g. by using an active virus scanner in the background.

The connection between the system and the CD Writer is too slow or blocked at times


www.nero.com imagine that!

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