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Well, it's not my car thankfully. However, because it isn't, I don't really know much about it, only what the owner told me. It's a 2000 V6, btw. She said she let a guy at Firestone drive it to see what he thought. He said it sounded like the heat shield was loose, but apparantly they checked it and it wasn't. If it was a loose part, wouldn't it rattle during braking or cornering or something? She said it only happens when she gets on the gas. So yeah, a transmission problem is one possibility, rear end another. Could Ricart take the car for a spin or something, run a diagnostics and locate the problem for sure? Most of us high school kids (yeah, she's in one of my classes) don't have the income to spend money to have something looked at or fixed that doesn't need looked at or repaired, ya know? Hopefully it's not a major thing like the tranny or rear end...any minor things it might be? You mentioned the code check. Is that something that can be done at a dealership?
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Originally posted by rl:

Is it only happening when she is on the gas say more than 50% throttle?

I would say "yes", but I haven't driven the car or anything (doubt she'd let me anyways smile.gif ), so I don't know for sure. I would probably guess "yes" but since I don't know, what do you have in mind if it is only more than 50% throttle? Less that 50%?
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