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wtt two 12's for two 10's/ or 8's


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i have two audio bahn 12's a year old will trade for a set of 10's lookin for a set of alpine subs any other speakers will be looked at, anyone interested hit me back ill trade for a good set of 8's also


[ 15. April 2004, 08:59 PM: Message edited by: spank4.6GT ]

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no the problem is im doing a install using the spare tire hole and there's not enough air space for two 12's, but two 10's will work . thanks for the offer though.


[ 12. April 2004, 06:31 PM: Message edited by: spank4.6GT ]

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Just because there isn't enough airspace for those two 12's doesn't mean there will be enough for any two 10's. You could have Y set of 10's that need allot more air than X set of 12's just dependent on their Theil Small parameters. I had a set of 10's that in a sealed box needed ~1.5, 1.6 cuft. Took up the entire trunk of my Saturn. Although you are right in generally assuming, all other things being equal a set of 10's will need less airspace than a set of 12's. It's just that more than likely they will not be the same exact line of sub, or even the same brand. Just a word to the wise.
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The solobaric subs are designed to operate in a small enclosure. I used to be pretty big into the car auto scene, but most of it has since slipped away. HP>dB IT you get a crutch field or something similar it will list the specs as well as the space required per sub.
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