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f/s 89 ford festiva w/ warranty


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ok here is the scoop its a festiva the raido works tires are good stops good and is not wrecked nothing fancy just a good beater and its cheap on gas. but here is the best part of the deal. to who ever buys it i willl do any repairs for free, for the next six months all you have to do is provide the parts. this includes maintenence (SP) i only want 750.00 for it. (no pics will be posted if you are interested come and look) you can stop by and look at the car any time it is in front of star base on westerville rd. or call me 614 496 4969


[ 25. August 2004, 07:51 PM: Message edited by: Ridenred27 ]

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Originally posted by stealthmonkey:

peeps this is one good lookin ride for the price.

+1. He's not kidding. I'm considering it myself, but I'll put in my good word about the car for others as well.


(this is the blue one, right?)

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yes it is a better body than the CR hore (for those of you that know my/ryan's/lustabert's car)


And for those of you who go ya right a festiva try reading these sites a bit and think about it twice





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Guest busteryhyman
I can vouch for the festiva. it's my old car. Runs like a damn champ. got me to cleveland and back many times on less than half a tank
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