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Just need a little favor, please read...


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Hey guys and gals, if you could, keep my friend in your thoughts and prayers for a while. He need's all the help he can get.


His name is Martin, about 3 months ago he was wrestling around with a friend and just got really short of breath. Since then, doing anything strenuous left him gasping for air.


After inhalers, seeing some specialists, and other doctors, a lump was found on his neck/chest. They decided to open him up today to take a look at it.


It turns out they have no idea what it is. The unfortunate thing is that it can't just be removed by sugery, as this "stuff" is literally covering his entire insides... his arteries, tissues, organs, etc.


We are hoping for the best, and that maybe it can be taken care of with radiation, chemo, or steroids.


It doesn't really matter to me if you are religious or not, but if you guys/gals could just think good thoughts I believe that it really can make a difference. When a person who is in need knows that other people are thinking good thoughts it makes it that much easier for them to stay positive as well.


Thanks, he means a lot to me.


Mike graemlins/thumb.gif

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Guest stevil
Wow that's terrible Mike, I wish him good health... your Grandpa too Nelson. Friend of mine had a stroke yesterday, today they found out she has MS. :(
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Guest Elinar Longsight

Both have this "witch's" blessings.**Looks around for some hematite and blue aventurine**



<font size=1/font size>P.s. No smartass comments wanted or needed, for those itching to say it. tongue.gif

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Bad stuff is going around lately....

A friend of mine just passed away yesterday after a year long fight with a viral/fungal infection of his lungs. They still don't know what it is.... graemlins/nonono.gif


My thoughts are with ya.... :(

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