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Beer Review: Warsteiner Dunkel

Guest Ranger_Man

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Guest Ranger_Man

i picked this up at the andersons, but i have seen it in kroger and even in the bp gas station. so this would be a more widely available beer. i have had warsteiner, but not the dunkel version. i like the normal version and i hope i enjoy this as well.


bottle: there is german words all over the front of the bottle and all of them say, "die konigin unter den bieren". which i have translated to mean, die konig, under the beer. so apparently the german brewer hates some guy named konig and hopes he dies, "under the beer", whatever the hell that means. the bottle also has a crown on it and it also states that the beer conforms to the german purity law. the real gem is on the back where it says, "Quality from german, because life is too short to drink cheap beer.". i like these people already.


pour: the beer pours out with a maple syrup color and with a small head that rapidly dissapears. little, if any, carbonation is seen in the glass.


taste: the first taste was rather disheartening in the fact that it tasted mainly like water. the beer had little to no mouthfeel and hardly any taste. however, drinking more leads to a much better taste. unlike most dark beers, this one is actually rather refreshing. it has a nice hint of chocolate and a nice soft touch of bitterness to finish it off. the carbonation is well matched to the overall taste giving the beer a good mouthfeel and therefore making it very drinkable.


overall: if i compared beer to women i would say that other dark beers i have had would be the girl that would come up and slap you in the face then take you home and have her way with you. warsteiner dunkel would be the woman that played with your dingy underneath the table with her foot and then walked off and left you with the check. just enough to entice, but not enough for any real fun. this beer would be well recieved by people just entering the dark beer world. it is a wonderful bridge between light and dark and should be tried by the faint of heart.


sorry for the lacking image quality.



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