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Everyone at CR...

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> :D yay go me. DagoRcr also graduated today (same class). It's a good feeling, but I can't help but have some philosophical doubts about life now... i.e., these four years went by so damn fast, ibitwon't be long before I'm 60. And I loathe the thought of getting ollllddddd..... I've gotta stay young forever.


Quick, to the laboratory!



Seriously though, I have grad practice tomorrow, and while I'm there I'm going to go around the school and take care of a few things. Example, tell all the hot underclassmen who I'll never see again that they are, in fact, really friggin hot; tell all the assholes off, and etc. Should be fun, but still.... went by so, so fast.... :(

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Guest Tony_K

Okay Garrett - wherever you go next, make sure you tell the hot females that they are hot right off the bat - don't wait! = no regrets!


If she's nice, she'll take it as a compliment and you score points; If she's bitch, she's worthless, forgeddabout her, and there are plenty of fish in the sea.


Telling off the assholes - save your breath and time, spend it telling hot females that they're hot instead. smile.gif

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