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College Life

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> SO! It's been a while. About two months, actually. But, I've been busy getting adapted to this new life in college--which is, needless to say, very different.


I moved to Colorado to attend Colorado University in Boulder, and dammit guys, you live in a shithole for the lady-folks. No offense to t e h nice ones out there, but man, I have never, in my entire life, seen this many drop dead gorgeous girls in one place. There are blondes at a buck ten and twenty running around all over the place. It's heaven.


Then there's the parties. EVERY NIGHT OF THE WEEK. It's ridiculous! The motto is "party on any day of the week ending with 'day'." Then, of course, you get the fools who overdo it and end up dead like we had last week, but that's a different story.


I had to leave my truck behind though, so no commuting/racing (fun) for me. Insurance was too much, but I'm getting used to that.


Outdoor activities are pretty great- the Flatirons and Rocky Mountain National Park are right next to the campus, so a hike or climb is just minutes away any time you feel like it. All in all, it's a pretty damn good setup. Oh yeah! ANd the chef from South Park works here, Chef Willy! He's awesome! And so does Mr. Mackey! Or, at least he did... haven't met him yet. But yeah, hope you all are having a great time back in Ohio. I'll be out at thanksgiving, so hopefully I'll see some of you at a meet or two.




[ 21. September 2004, 11:53 AM: Message edited by: The Silent God ]

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Enjoy it while you can, Hocking College has very FEW hot chicks. it seems your standards lower as soon as you get into hocking county. you see a halfway decent chick, and you think damn! they're few and far between. have to jump on shit while shit lasts... :D
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by TurboD:

What's your name, i know a friend that goes there.


College rules smile.gif

<font color ="midnightblue"> Check my sig, but I go by Indy; I'm staying in Sewell Hall. Anyways, yeah, it's great. High School wasn't that fun because the group of friends was limited. Here, I've found a great group of guys who share very similar interests; we hang out all the time, pratically do everything together. I never had that in HS. Some people did, but I didn't; so it's that much greater.


And the cars here! WOW! I was going for a bike-ride and an V-12 Vanquish cut me off! It was awesome! I hauled ass and pulled up next to him at around 35 mph (we were going slightly downhill) and gave him a thumbs up, then had to live with a hard-on the rest of the way home when he dropped a gear and sped off. Aside from that, everyone and their grandmothers down here has a Subaru, and 5/6ths of 'em are WRX's. Still more are STIs, it's wonderful. Not too many ricers, either.


So yeah, I"m likin it so far. It could change, but with 14 out of a max of 17 credits, and no classes monday, wednesday, or friday (equalling a four day weekend), I'm living it large.

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Originally posted by ttemper:

Enjoy it while you can, Hocking College has very FEW hot chicks. it seems your standards lower as soon as you get into hocking county. you see a halfway decent chick, and you think damn! they're few and far between. have to jump on shit while shit lasts... :D

I wound up at Hocking College for a couple of days because of my work. That place is frightening. :eek:
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Otterbein isnt really a college is it? I think more people were enrolled in my high school than Otterbein. tongue.gif


It's called PRIVATE college. 3,500 students.



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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Liar. tongue.gif


*I know...but it's still a tiny school.


Not really, average size for a D3 school. I think Otterbein is one of the larger schools in the OAC (same conference as Mount Union)
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It's not Tiny, there are lots of colleges out there with 1,000 people. It is called small, private, very selective college. You do know that schools like notre Dame only have like 8,000 undergrad students.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Yes, and you realize that a college with a stadium smaller than a high schools practice field is tiny right?



The endowment for the football program isn't very large. Of course, going to a public university, you probably don't know what an endowment is. Oh well.

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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Ouch, so because I go to OSU I am not intellegent? I promise I could have went to Otterbein if I wanted to waste my time reliving high school. :rolleyes:




I like being able to talk to my prof's, get help when I need it, and all that other stuff. Plus, Otterbein throws kick ass parties. 700-800 people in a house with 15 kegs, that is a party. Anyways, Otterbein's business school will have the same accredidation as OSU here very soon. Different strokes for different folks.

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