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Originally posted by The_Wang_Of_Fury:



I like being able to talk to my prof's, get help when I need it, and all that other stuff. Plus, Otterbein throws kick ass parties. 700-800 people in a house with 15 kegs, that is a party. Anyways, Otterbein's business school will have the same accredidation as OSU here very soon. Different strokes for different folks.

Hey, so do I, and i got o a school with around 20k plus. If you want to talk to your proffessors, they're there for you. The Fischer School of Business is like number 5 or 7 in the nation... and I highly doubt that Otterbein's will be anywhere near that.



Did I hear you say that Otterbein throws kick ass parties to an OSU or OU student? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Wow. Whenever you get on the top 20 list (we're top five), then I think you can talk shit.


Also, isn't half of Otterbein's campus homosexual? Marc really SHOULD have gone there.

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As good as Fisher?? I doubt it. And listen, I know you have been to OSU partys, and i hope you will visit OU here soon.


I have been to Otterbein partys, and I think my 13th birthday party had more pussy present.


Hell, I think BG has better partys than otterbein!


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I am just going to leave this alone because you two have no idea what you are talking about.


OU is ranked so high because they have mass amounts of parties all the time. I have been to OU's halloween, and of course I have been to OSU parties. Otterbein's parties are pretty good for maybe only having 7 houses on campus that throw parties. And of course only Marc would not notice girls at a party at a school that has a 4:1 girl to guy ratio.


No Otterbein does not have a lot of gay people.

I never said Otterbein's business department will be the same as Fisher, but it will have the same accredidation (meaning a degree from Otterbein will be the same as a business degree from OSU)


Oh, and your biggest class being 35, not 500 really does make a difference

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Time to chill, no need to get your panties all in a bunch.


OU is ranked because it owns at party's...almost as much as OSU.


You know you leave Otterbein on the weekends and head to the real campus night life, and that's what Im trying to say now smile.gif


And im confused as to why, if you are looking for the best business education, you would go to otterbein?


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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Time to chill, no need to get your panties all in a bunch.


OU is ranked because it owns at party's...almost as much as OSU.


You know you leave Otterbein on the weekends and head to the real campus night life, and that's what Im trying to say now smile.gif


And im confused as to why, if you are looking for the best business education, you would go to otterbein?


Because I will be the first class to graduate with the AACSB degree from Otterbein.



I was accepted to Boston College, Tennesee, OSU, BGSU, OU, and Capital. Anyways, where your B.S. comes from when it comes to getting into an M.B.A. program doesnt matter when you carry a 4.0 ;)


Oh, and I stay at Otterbein on Sat nghts, cause that is when Pi Kappa Phi has their parties. Amazing parties. 100's of people, 3 story beer bong, lots of girls.

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Originally posted by Republicant:

Pi Kappa what? graemlins/jerkit.gif

Well, at a school, in a mostly landlocked city(we are talking uptown here), the only houses that have parties, are mainly frat houses. Get over it.
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Originally posted by MadMalibu:

Ok, so you party at my school on Fridays.


Congratulations on all of your acceptances...except BG. Dont they have open enrollment?


I dunno? I just applied cause I got a coupon for a free app. And, on friday's, I usually have parties here, at my place.
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