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Guest 00Smurf

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Guest 00Smurf
Anyone here play wow? and if so, does anyone still have their free 10 day trial. I'd like to try the game out but dont want to pay for it if i dont like it.
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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> my best friend does, he's addicted. I don't know anyone who plays it casually. If you play it, you play it hardcore and have no life. One guy I know started it and quite literally hasn't stopped. He missed the first 4 days of class this semester, and doesn't even go to dinner anymore, he orders in so he doesn't have to leave. For this reason, I'd tend to say you won't be dissapointed.
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nick i'll tell you this. this game is fun as shit! to be honest with what garrett is saying is pretty accurate. at times i have to pull myself away for sleep. greg and i have missed acouple days of work due to this game. It is very addicting and i dont recommend playing it if you dont have a very strict play time for it. I know several people myself that have no life now cause they play the game so much. But it is truely worth it. I got the 10day trial and after they were up i went out and bought it with a 4 month subcription. I am sorry i have already given up my 10day trial to someone else. i would of gave it to you if i would of know you wanted to try it.
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Yes if you like online games this is the best one out there that I have played. Sorry I dont have my free pass, or I would give it to you.


I played this a bunch for about a month and then I got xbox live and play halo2 w/ my friends everynight.

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Originally posted by Captain Obvious:

World of Warcraft, an online computer game like everquest.

OHHH my friends at work are like psycho for that game. But i cant justify paying 15 bucks a month for online play. Granted ive never played the game and that is probably the reason why. But i hear its a insane game.
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Originally posted by NoRodStang:

WoW = Crack WarCraft !!!!!!!!!! I spent to much damn time in that game. but not nearly as much as idid in EverCrack...


In all seriousness I did not care for it . it was to easy .

In all honesty that the fact that it was easy is why I enjoyed it so much. I dont have a great deal of time to spend playing the game, but I still made good progress for the amount that I did.

Granted I only made it to level 20ish w/ my highest guy so I havent seen a large part of the game yet.


In evercrack I lost a whole year of my life. I made it to level 53 before my old computer gave up the ghost.

By the time I got a new computer I didnt feel like playing it anymore, thank god.


These types of games are niche games you really have to find people you know, online or in real life to really have a good time w/ them. If not you spend alot of time soloing or trying to find people to group with. That makes it a hit or miss game for the fun factor.

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Guest Crankshaft
<font color ="midnightblue"> On this note, anyone tried CoH? I've been at it for about a year, off and on. After I managed to find out that I had spent 205 hours on my character however, and learned that equated to over an entire week, I put it away for just casual play every now and then. I still have it, and play occasionally, but knowing that I've lost a solid week of my life to a game was a little too disturbing. And that was just for CoH, nevermind the fact that I've played all the Half-Life's through at least 8 times, plus Age of Empires, plus the Need for Speed series, plus Far Cry and Battlefront and Battlefield and...
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Nobody listen to Andy or Joey. Seriously. Don't listen to Andy because he doesn't even give a reason why he dislikes it and don't listen to Joey because he obviously hasn't played enough of the game to realize how hard it gets.


This game is amazing. I really didn't want to get it as I was so into Warcraft III, but my buddy bought it for me and I am hooked. Every minute I have away from work, chores, and any other important things I'm pretty much playing this. So much versatility, so much replay value (2 factions, 8 races, 9 classes, multiple builds for each character and dozens of servers), and 3 months playing a game that keeps getting more and more intriguing versus buying a console game for $50 and beating it in two weeks...I choose the first route. If you find yourself with a decent amount of free time, buy this game Smurf. You won't regret it.

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i think it's a blast too.(already gave away my 10day though) also there's no way for it to be too easy. if you somehow manage to play through all the quests and instances, then you can always go player vs player wich is always different.
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